i used to believe

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I used to belive that I could fly. I would climb on top of a moderetly high vantage point and jump, arms out streched in front of me. I would feel this nervous ball form in the pit of my stomach as gravity temporarily gave way at the begining of my jump. I was sure that this was the begining of what it must feel like to fly. Then the ground would rush up on me as gravity clenched its claws around my childhood dream and I would fall a short distance to the ground. Ever determined I would return to my vantage point to have another go at it. I was just not consintrating hard enough I would tell myself. Truly beliving that if I tried anything and worked hard enough at it it would be achivable.

Heatherlynn Romoff
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I used to believe that the feeling of pins and needles was the magical power that Pippi Longstockings had so I jumped of the couch a few times trying to flap my arms as fast as I could.

Lisa D
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I used to believe that everyone had special powers but they would never show them to me because they were scared I might feel bad because I dont have any!!!

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i used to believe that everyone could read my mind.
i still kinda do.

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I used to believe that you could hold your breath as long as you wanted. My dad could hold his breath for years. It seemed like years...unfortunately, I learned to tell time on a watch. Sooo, we are talking, maybe 1:40 seconds, tops.

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I used to believe that when my mom was out shopping, and I concentrated really hard on an advertisement for some kind of toy (barbie (accessories) most of the time), she would acutally come home having bought me the desired toy.

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I was very young and lost a toy or something and asked my mom if she'd seen it. She got that "how stupid can you be?" look and said, "Retrace your steps! You ALWAYS have to retrace your steps."

My innocent little warped brain somehow interpreted that as, you have a spool of invisible string that unravels wherever you walk, and by going back the way you came in you roll it back up on the spool. I consciously did that for so long it was well into high school before I realized I was still doing it unconsciously.

Pablo Phoenix
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When I was I a kid I'd pluck out pieces of grass and eat the root. I'd say it gave me super strength and I flip and cartwheel all over the lawn.

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I used to believe that I could fly. When I was very small, we lived in a fifth floor walk-up. I believed that all I had to do was put my hand on the banister and I flew up all five flights. The funny thing is, I still have distinct memories of doing this. I am 55 years old.

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I used to believe, that the force actually existed, and would prance around the house trying to move household objects with my thoughts.

Dan Wood
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When I was little, about 7 or so, I always used to have a dream where I would stand at the top of the stairs in our house and jumped and then I could fly. And I thought that this would be possible in real life too. So I spent hours trying to fly from the stairs.

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when i first saw x-men (the film) i got so in to it i tried staring at a vase to try and make it blow up. i only stopped when my step-mum asked me what i was doin. the bad thing is, i was 13....

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My best friend and I both believed that we could breathe underwater. I still do actually; she's grown up... well, technically we both have but she lost her imagination. Anyway.

Whenever we would go to the beach together, or sometimes the pool, we'd practice breathing in the water... weird thing is, neither of us ever drowned or anything, we'd stay underwater for minutes at a time.

Seawater attracts the pretty pink seagulls... woooooo....
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I used to think if i closed my eyes noone could see me

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i used to watch programs on tv about witches such as sabrina the teenage witch and that... and when i was in school i used to believe that i could stop time, and make things happen with my fingers and eyes..

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I believed that if you climbed high enough and jumped.. you could fly. And if you didn't climb far enough youd always land on your feet like dogs do.

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when i was about 6 i had a pair of Batman underpants, so one day i decided that if i go out side in nothing but them, hold a balloon for extra support, and jump off my swingset, the Batman underpants would somehow activate their Batman powers and i would be able to fly.
I attempted this about 9 times until my dad came outside, being very confused, asked what i was doing, and when i told him, laughed for about a minute, and kept chuckling here and there for about a day everytime he thought about it

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I used to believe I could see through things until, one day, I realised I was crossing my eyes making some objects seem transparent!

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I used to beleive that I could talk to animals, but I didn't know it, and that I wasn't supposed to know that I could. I even managed to convince my friends that I was best friends with a Candian Goose named Smokey. Whenever I spotted a Canadian Goose in the schoolyard, I would grin and look all proud and say "There's my Smokey!"

I also had them convinced that there was a raccoon that liked to hang around the school, waiting for school to be over so it could follow me home. I told them that he was a mischevious little thing, and liked to cause trouble, but he was too fast for us to catch him in the act. We often found ourselves blaming little things that went wrong on him.

Yes, I was a strange kid.

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when i was little we used to have this lightbulb that hung from the ceiling over our staircase there was know shade or blind over it just a bare bulb with a metal chain....i dont remember how i figured it out or if someone told me to do it but, i would stare at it for what seemed like five minutes and i swore i could see color balls of different shapes and sizes floating up and down the staircase....i bet any of you that if you look into a light bulb straight on for at least 1 minute you will experience a ball of color any where you focus your eyes after staring.....then my mom said id burn my eyes out if i kept it up so i stopped .....

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