i used to believe

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When I was younger I did gymnastics. One day I firmly believed that I could forward-roll my way up the stairs. I tried it, only to roll fast back down again and bash my head really hard on the wall at the bottom. Boy, did that hurt.

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When i was younger i believed, one day i'm gonna fly, all i have to do, is get a whole bunch of feathers, and glue them to cardboard, and then stick it to my arms, and then i'd somehow fly.

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I used to think that when I got mad I would get stronger, similar to the Hulk from Marvel comics, because when some one made me mad I would some times pick them up off the ground. I later realized it was only an adrenaline rush.

The Hulk
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After seeing my first James Bond, I used to think my toes fingers or anything that could point could shott because of his shoes. So I spent all my time makin sure I didnt point finger even toes directly at anyone fearin I would shoot them.

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I used to believe that I could fly. I thought I could just sorta swim through the air and that I would be able to just go up or down or wherever I wanted if I just pointed my body that way. It wasn't until I was about 10 that I realized it was a recurring dream I was having, and I quite literally could not fly!

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When I was younger I had a superman suit and thought it gave me flight and super strength, so one day I was rough housing with my dad and sisiters and I jumped of the couch landed on my dad and made him fall (unfortunatly on me)......ya I had to get a neck brace, but at least I took him down with me!!

Superman.... Sort of
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When I was about 8 I thought that you could make a wish and it would come true. But only occasionally. If you did it too much or asked for something outlandish then it wouldn't work.

Everyone could do this by spending their "luck". Everybody had so much luck, and they could spend it as they wanted to, but if they ever ran out they wouldn't have any luck left if an emergency happened. Your luck is used in life (consciously or not) when something really good happens to you without your direct intervention. Naturally I correlated this personal luck to any particularly beneficial or serendipitous event, and felt cautious afterwards since that meant my current luck supply had now reduced by some amount.

To save "luck" I always waited a long time between wishes and only wished for small things, like winning at a video game or something. Spending more luck meant you could accomplish more with that wish. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, it all depended on how effectively my luck was working that day. I never thought about where these wishes or the luck came from, that's just how it was.

Oh yeah, and there was my biggest "big" wish: for a beautiful girl to materialize out of a magazine picture and kiss me. Wow, I had saved up a year's worth of luck for that one. Needless to say, I was disappointed, and went to bed completely frustrated at all that wasted luck. Then years later in high school, some girl asked me out who looked eerily like the one in the picture. The recollection hit me after our first kiss.

Ep: We were blissfully in love until the inevitably tearful college separation, but I'd say it was worth all that luck in the end.

"heart luck" W.A.R.
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I used to believe that if I ran fast enough I could move time back, a little. I must have been 6-7 and would dash home from school for lunch and my evidence was that I left school at 11:30 (school clock) and arrived home at 11:18 (home clock)

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When I was little I believed that everyone had a little bit of magic in them, and i would star at objects intensely trying to make them move. It never worked.

the amazing magic kid
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From ages four to six I beleived I could fly. My sister and I would jump off the coffee table and flutter our arms as hard as we could. And I swore--for aleast one second--I flew!

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my sister and I both believe we have mild pyrokinetic powers. We hold our hands motionless near a flame and voila, it will grow, shrink or dance. Depending on what we want it to do.

I believed this for years, and though i'm 18 and doubt its validity i still like to experiment.

Usul the magnificent
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When I was in first grade my cousin told me she could swallow things and cough them back up. What I didn't know was that all she did was close her mouth and open it again and pull whatever it was back out of her mouth. I tried it with a gob stopper and almost choked in a car ride with them.

Later, in the same car ride, I complained of thirst. That same cousin told me that's what spit was for and I should drink it. So I tried it and got scared when it didn't work and thought my spit was deffective.

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I used to beleive that if you ran really fast before jumping into a pool you could walk on water. i spent hours just trying and trying till my mom told me it was impossible.

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When I was about 4, I had a dream that I was flying all over the house. The next day when I woke up, I kept jumping off of all the furniture trying to fly. I eventually concluded that the furniture was too low to jump off of, so i managed to climb onto the roof. We can all guess what happened next...the neighbors still think I'm tottally and completely nuts...i hang out on my roof now with my friends...they all peer out their windows just to make sure I don't have another trip to the hospital...oopsies

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I believed I could fly if I ran around fast enough and flapped my arms hard enough and jumped high enough eventually I would be able to soar into the skies.

Kitty Lover
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I used to think that everyone has special powers, and even with attempts in the past 10,000 years of existence, we have never been able to tap into our own energy and release powers we never knew we had. I once went into my back yard and tried to set a piece of wood on fire. I had a headache for the rest of the day.

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When i was a kid i believed that i was a wizard and to teleport to magic realm i had to stand in a circle of "magic sticks" and my friend had to say Serventor molenke avious while my eyes were closed but all he did was get out stuff and move stuff so it looked like magic real that was when i was 6 i am 10 now. I WAS WEIRD

Tommy "The Wizard" Davis
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When I was little, I used to believe that I could breathe under water. But the real odd part is, that I have quite vivid memories of actually breathing underwater; the cold and heavy sensation of streams of water streaming though my mouth and nose, down the windpipe and into the lungs, making the body all heavy and cold because of the water. I'm still unsure whether I actually inhaled water or not...

Konaya Daisuke
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i used to believe that if i put my hands out something special would happen because one day someone fell over so for a month afterwards when i was angry i used to put my hands out

xxxXXXSuper kidXXXxxx
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i think if people lift very heavy weights for a few years,they can have superhauman strength!lmao,i know that's NOT real

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