special powers
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When I was little, I had flying dreams so real I was sure I could fly.Getting started was always tricky and I had to use special breathing techniques to get off the ground (never in a Superman position but always upright like airborn doggy paddle).I used to tell my friends I could fly. I still have these dreams and still tell my friends the same story :-)
Until my brother was about 16 he thought that my mother could really see through walls because everytime he would attempt to drink milk directly from the carton, my mother would catch him and tell him to get a cup.
Seems my mother's not as slick as we thought...from where she was sitting, she could see the light from the refrigerator and my brothers reflection in the strategically placed glass cabinet.
I'm amazed no-one's mentioned flying down the stairs! When i was young i could distinctly remember a time when i had walked (or probably crawled) out into thin air from the top step and floated or flown down to the bottom. I really believed that i had done this. Apparently it is a common childhood experience (several of my friends have 'remembered' doing it too!) Perhaps it's a memoty of being picked up and carried around as a baby?
I wish it had been true!
Our primary school field was massive, and it had a very steep slope, maybe 70 degrees or so. I used to have such incredibly vivid dreams that i would run off the top, and flap for a bit, then fly around the field. They were so realistic it was pure joy waking up every morning. Strangely, as soon as i realised that they were dreams, they stopped. This was when i was about 8. Im 16 now, and in the 8 years i havent had a single dream that i remember in the morning, compared to at least one every night back then.
when i was younger i used to love storm from x men because of her ability to fly and create weather change and somehow i thought that by staring at the sun long enough i would eventually become the goddess of the sun and cause weather changes too!
It is said that children's dreams are very vivid, so vivid in fact that they will believe they actually happened. This must be true, because to this day I have a vivid memory of flying up the stairs in my childhood home. I told my mom about it soon after it "happened" and she explained to me that there was no possible way I could fly. I didn't believe her, though. For years I thought I had actually flown up those stairs!
I used to think my mom could hear my thoughts. I wasn't totally convinced, but it made me worry about what I was thinking sometimes. What kid needs that stress. No she didn't tell me she could hear them, I just thought of that on my own, who knows why?
I used to believ because of my frequent deja vu that I could see into the future. And this happened at least once a day. But now it happens rarely.
I used to think that if I saw someone from school that I didn't like elsewhere, like the movies or something, I could hunch over and squint my eyes and they wouldn't reognize me and wouldn't try to talk to me. I must have looked pretty stupid a lot of the time, as there were quite a few people I didn't like from school.
I still belive that if you ran fast enough at a wall, you could run through it. So far, you can't.
I read a lot of comic books which explains why I used to believe that if I got hit by lightening that I would get superpowers.
I use to believe I controlled the wind with my mind.
When I was a child I believed I could cause something to happen to someone just by touching them and thinking it.
When I was a little girl I used to believe I can fly!!!!
people could read my mind, but didn't tell me
I thought that I could fly, but I'd forgotten how. You don't want to know how many hours I spent trying to fly.
I used to think i had the ability to jump from wall to wall like in the superhero comic books. I broke my leg trying to imitate them
I used to believe I could control the weather.. the thing is everytime I wanted wind or rain or snow eerily it would happen. I still can't explain it snowing on my birthday every time I wished for it. I live in a city in the US that gets snow almost never, maybe you can explain it or maybe I really DID control the weather. Yeah right, and maybe pigs DO fly!
when i was around ... 4-6 i used to think when i drew a picture of a person then their eyes would watch me... i got pretty freaked out...lol
There's Two
1: My brother was Ulimate superman FREAK! so......I told my brother once that if e wear a red towel (like a Superman) and jumped off the window he would fly. I usedv to laughed everytime he crashed. But one time he landed on me and i had a broken arm!!!!! maybe i shouldn't had told him!!!!
2: I use to think if i stay still i would turned invisible. Lat time i did that was when I acciendtlly touch a girl's butt. Girl slap me even thought i was standing still for like 5 minutes.
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