i used to believe

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when i was about five years old, i woke up and stood on my cabin bed, breathed in deeply and then flew around my bedroom before landing on the floor and climbing back into my bed and falling asleep. to this day there's a part of me that believes i really did fly and that it wasn't just a dream...

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I remember I thought that I can move people with a small magnet if they wear somekind of metal. Indeed my grandfather used to pretend this and made me believe that he is moving because of the magnet.

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When I was little (until about five) I was obsessed with flying. I put my heart and soul into the dream that one day I would be able to finish my training--taping feathers onto my arms and buttocks, then jumping off stuff--and soar off into the sky.

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I believed that I could "tightrope walk" across the footboard of my bed, without falling, if I held in each hand one of the plaster angel plagues my aunt made me. I fell and broke the angels.

Broadway Baby
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When my brother, sister and I were little kids, my parents had friends of theirs who lived in England come to visit us. After that, whenever my sister would get upset and cry, my brother and I would tell my sister that if she kept crying that would make our friends in England cry. For some reason she always stopped crying, but I could never figure out why they would cry if she did.

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when i was in third grade i used to believe that if i spun around really fast i could turn into Wonder Woman....

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My belief has not been explained away by age or anything else for that matter. Since I was a child ( 40 now) When I walk, jog or drive by street lamps they will turn off. Not all of them just one or a few. This happens more frequently when I am either extremely mad/upset or happy. The time of the month has nothing to do with it & I have already contacted our Electric company to see if the street lamps were on a certain schedule etc. I also have to replace my own household lightbulbs weekly. SOOO I guess I still do believe in MY special power altho I am not sure what it is!

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I used to think I could read peoples minds because I always knew what card they were going to choose from a deck. As I got older I realized that I was sub-consciously calculating the most likely choice of that person.

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I used to believe that if I stood in a wash tub and pulled hard enough on the handles I could make myself fly. Must have dreamed it or something.

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i have an older brother and an older sister, everytime we played hide and seek i thought i was SOO clever. so, i would stick up my pointer finger (as if i was point to the ceiling) put it in the center of my ace, and shut my eyes. i thought "if i can't see them they can't see me!" i was always caught first! i didn't realize why until i was 7!

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I used to think that deja vu ment i had magical powers. I used to get deja vu alot when i was younger, and still till this day infact. I used to smile and tell people i could reverse things and do them all over again. I doubt the understood i ment deja vu . My poor parents must have been so amused. I also used to think i could predict the future because i would have a song in my head all day long and when i would turn on the radio, 8-10 times it was that song i had in my head all day. Not popular songs, just random favorites of mine. Same thing with movies. I would be thinking of a line or charector from a movie and it always seems like when i turn on the tv, there is that movie at some point of its running time.

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At the age of 6 my Old best friend (who moved away 5 years ago) "Megan" told me that if you closed your eyes on the tire swing and said, "I wish I could fly!" 100 times going really high, that you'd fly! But when I tried it, I thought i did something wrong. So I asked Megan and she said that I must not have been ment for flying!

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In my recovered 1st grade journal EXACT WORDS:
If you wish for something on a star, and shoot for with a laser, you get what you wish for!

James the Great
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I used to think I had the ability of telekinesis (moving objects with your mind). I don't know why I thought this, but one day I invited my friend over and tried to show her. Obviously, I couldn't do it. I just told her my powers weren't working.

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When i was about 6 i would go to my brother's baseballs games and play with other kids who had siblings playing baseball. There was a big rock there and we were convinced that if you jumped off it you could fly for a little while if you really believed. So we would take turns "flying" off and i jumped pretty far so i thought i was a good believer. part of this may have come from the song "i believe i can fly"

i believe i can touch the sky, i think about it every night and day, spread my wings and fly away...
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I used to believe I could fly. I used to share a room with my brother, and we had bunk beds. I had the top bunk. One night I had a dream, I was flying all around the world after I rubbed a magic genies lamp and wished to fly. I woke up and it all seemed so real. So, being the 5 year old I was, I jumped at least 7 feet on to the ground and popped all my knuckles on one hand INSTANTLY. MY face hit the ground and left a small bruise. That was the day I grew up

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i used to think that people had super powers and i didn't . so i thought everyone could read eachothers mind. everytime i would think about something i would always make sure thee were no adults in the room . i then later figurered out i was wrong, i thought this until i was 12 years old........whoa......talk about being stupid

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i used to believe that when mom are dad touched me they could tell what i was thinking and still sorta do even @age 12

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While pretend-erasing my brother with a small eraser, he told me he'd actually disappear if I used it on him.

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i used to believe that if i held a garbage bag over my head and jumped of the couch i would float aross the room. i tried and ended up landing on my face.

wacko zacho
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