i used to believe

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special powers

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When my sister and I were little I convinced her that if she ran fast enough that she could fly. She would run around in circles real fast but of course she would never actaully take off.

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When i was younger i used to believe that at night i had amazing super-human powers...ie. i could fly! at night i would creep downstairs to my biggest room and fly from one end to the other in the flash of an eye, with perfect ease! and then unfortunately... i woke up the next morning!! :(

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Once I had a dream where if i ran real hard and jumped id fly and then i flew around my neighborhood and then for a few months i told kids i could fly and thoiught i culd fly

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I used to think if I closed my eyes under water that I would dissapear. I figured if I couldnt see anything no one else could see me either!!

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in second grade my teacher told me the class that the other teacher, for the other class had special powers and that someday she would show us. I believed that till I was in fourth grade.

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I used to believe that I could control wind. and for an strange reason all the time I tried to use my "powers" the worked. TO MANY HOURS WATCHING X-MEN!

Solin Sekkur
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I use to believe that If I held my super bouncy ball tight spin around 3 times that I was invisible I use to sneak up on my brother and smack him in the head I never got in trouble because I was invisible muh ha ha

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i used to believe that if i stared at somebody for a long time, concentrating really hard on what i wanted them to think, i could change their thoughts. it really came in handy when i wanted to be picked for a special event in gym or when i wanted something from my parents.

Matt B.
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I used to beieve that parent's had powers that could do almost anything. I originated this idea because my mom called me "sweetheart" and I thought I transformed into the candy type.

Lord Jay Bickford
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Because my mother would always point at the crosswalk sign just as it switched to the "walk" signal when we were about to cross the street, I thought she had a magic talent because whenever I pointed the sign just ignored me. It took me a long time to figure out that it was just timing the red lights.

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i used to think when you flap your arms around and jump you could fly.i sure didnt fly when i tried that.

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i told my brother that if he went to the bathroom, climbed in the dryer,and went in the air vent h4e wuld become superman. he did everytin 'cept the air vent, but only because he couldn't reach it.

llama queen
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according to my mom, i used to believe that when i close my eyes, i'm gone and people don't see me.


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i thought if you belived hard enogh you could have supper powers

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When i was little i was sure i could see better then everyone else and see really far away, later in my life, I got glasses LOL

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I used to think that I had the power to control the wind with my emotions. I made friends and we all figured we could create something with our feelings. we formed a team and every day we would go out "fighting the things that no one else could see"!

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I use to believe I could fly. I jump off the roof of our home.

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When i was little, my mom would make me go to bed when i didn't want to. So i thought "hey! if i cover up with a blanket and crawl very slowly out of my room she wont see me!"
yea...she did.

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My four year old daughter actually believes I have special powers. When we are in the car and the sun is in her face she asks me to say the magic word. Abracadabra!!! I turn a corner!! Bye bye sun.

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When I was little,I used to belive I was Buz Liteyear and I would jump off of my bunkbed. One day I jumped off my bunkbed and broke a light fixture attated to it. Boy did my parents get mad.

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