special powers
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I honestly believe that I could fly! Until I fell dont the stairs and broke me arm!
when i was little i tought i could fly by doin breast stroke in the air and that is y u flost in a pool so i jumped of the table n tryed to fly .....well lets just say it dident work out so well o_0
When i was 3 or 4 years old i used to believe that i can touch the sky by standing on a high building:-)
I used to think i could fly like superman
I used to be sure I could fly, and even experienced it a couple of times. In public it was a kind of glide with my feet stationary a couple of inches above the floor.
In private I'm sure it was as someone else mentioned more like swimming. In fact I'm pretty sure I had to hold my breath to do it.
As a child, on some hot summer nights while lying in bed, I would roll out of my body and float in the air. This ability seems to disappear when you grow up.
Well I was about 5y.o when I took my sisters baby blanket and tied it around my neck. I believed if Batman Could fly I could.
I stood at the top of the stairs on the second floor. I said DADA DADA DA Batman and jumped. Needless to say I recieved stitches in my head cause I couldn't fly. It's funny now, not then.
I'm 42 and still rememberm it.
since my son ALways gets hurt Immidiately after i say dont do that youre gonna get hurt..I tell him it is Momma Magic and that when he doesnt listen the momma magic makes him fall, trip etc. It works and he is almost four and still believes me!!
when i was younger about 6 years old me and my friend used to pick up feathers so we'd have a few in each hand we'd then run down the hill on the field at school and start flapping our arms and then we'd jump- believing that if we had feathers we could fly... I also remember exclaming "i flyed a bit then!" (when i jumped as i ran and left the floor for a couple of seconds).
that if I closed my eyes no one could see me
i used to believe that i could breathe wind from my mouth because whenever i blew and breathed out lots of cool air came out and on cold days i believed that smoke came out of my mouth
hello im 14yrs old my name is trey i used to believe that i could fly i used to watch superman fly and other heroes when i was 12 i wanted to fly so bad i thought if i could closed my eyes as hard as i could and just foucs really hard i could fly i used to jump of benches to try to fly but i couldnt i got so mad i felt like i had super strenght I believe in powers i do
i used to think everyone but me could read other peoples minds and that if i thought anything horrible about anyone the police would get me XD
i also thoght that my father was a vampire at one point XD XD
From Janie: When I was little, I had flying dreams so real I was sure I could fly.Getting started was always tricky and I had to use special breathing techniques to get off the ground (never in a Superman position but always upright like airborn doggy paddle)... ...I still have these dreams...
The quoted bits are exactly the same as what i had and sometimes still have (i'm like 21 now :)
Its sad i know, but i LIKE my sleep!
This isn't about me but about my littlw brother. The neighborhood kids and I always liked to try new stuff. Well being from Louisiana we have quite a few hurricanes and one day our gang was sitting in my room and we decided to jump off the roof with umbrellas. We would actually hover down because the winds were so strong and now my little brother wants me to teach him to fly.
When I was 8 years old I believed that a human could fly if he realy believed in it...
So while I was waiting for one of my freinds I took few steps and yumped- flying 2 meters forvard(in horizontal position!),down the staircaise,...I landed on my tummy...it vas painful... but you know I don`t regret it!=)
You know how when you buy new clothes, the sales tag is attached by this plastic thing, with one side that looks like a T? Well I used to cut that plastic thing in half and touch my sister's arm with it while making a "sssssssssssss" sound because I thought I was sucking out her juice. I called it a "general expexpius".
when I dreamed I could fly when I put my hands down my side but out flat palms down.Also I could fallow my self walking home from school.
I used to watch caroons so much when I was younger and afterwards for a while I thought I had thier superpowers!Well oen night after watchign superman I went on the table and proceeded to fly ( IREALLY THOUGHT IT WOULD WORK) and lets just say I cam to a hard conclusion and a broken arm.
Also in link with this I thought that my cast was given to me to use as a weapon since I was injured.( I had no idea it was cuz of my bone.Lets just say I looked alittle crazy thne lol
When i was little i used to believe i could fly backwards....... i have clear "memories" but they probably wer a dream
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