special powers
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i still do believe this but i have 2 things:
1:whenever we play a game like tips or bullrush i place my right hands finger tips down on the ground and i reckon i can make a illusion of my self to the other person so then i can run fastaround them..
2:when i hide in shadow i hold my breath and keep still because i rekon i am a perfect camaflager or watever....
i used to think i could fly until i stood on top of the table and fell off and break my head
i used to believe that if you run real fast and then jump. that you can fly
awsome... i was on a good one as a kid
I used to think i was physic because i thought of something then it would happen.. but it turned out it was luck! LOL
I can see into the future only by seconds though its so weird il give you an example : Im driving my car about 35 mph in a 30 mph speed limit i slow down because i know there is a police car coming just round the corner???? i see into the future some how??? (((to any police i am not saying i have done 35 in a 30 it is an example))) another one which is not an example my boss had a phone call that his dad just died i knew his dad died when the phone was ringing??? The most i have seen into the future is about 30 seconds. i cant just tell you whats going to happen though it doesn't work like that. But i can tell you something really bad is going to happen in 2009 and 2042 god knows whats going to happen i have no clue lets just wait and see if im right ???
Whenever I was to get new sneekers, I had to try them our how fast they were. I ran atleast one lap around the store for every sneeker and decided from there. Of course, the ones with a puma or the ones with many stripes usualy won.
i believed that we can fly and sit on a little cute cloud...and then at sunset,jump and sit on a star
We are spanish students, and when we were younger, we used to believe in Peter Pan!
We used to believe that,He will go to meet with us, and convert us,in childrens forever!
It was an stupid believe, but who doesn't like be always a children?
We love this website!
Super Isa & Super Leyre [!]**
Wen i waz 3-5 i used 2 belive dat my elbow was by mucules and that i had the biggest ones ever and i could beat up superman.
I used to believe that I had the power to see threw potato chips.
When I was young I used to have dreams in which I would be at home and everything felt extremely real. Then at some point I would hear an incredible thumping of footsteps coming towards me down the hallway. I would try to wake up, I would even know that I was asleep, and at some points I am positive I was halfway between dreaming and awake. Then my brain felt like it was shaking and there was alot of pressure. I would always manage to breakt out of it, but even when I was awake I could still feel my head ringing. At the time I had no idea what to think, now looking back it scares me, as I heard all that stuff about Astral Projection and the fact that evil 'spirits' are able to take over your body while it is unoccupied. I don't 100% believe that is what happened, but then again I dont know either. Also I have to quote an entry I read on page 1, about the lights.
"My belief has not been explained away by age or anything else for that matter. Since I was a child ( 40 now) When I walk, jog or drive by street lamps they will turn off. Not all of them just one or a few. This happens more frequently when I am either extremely mad/upset or happy. The time of the month has nothing to do with it & I have already contacted our Electric company to see if the street lamps were on a certain schedule etc. I also have to replace my own household lightbulbs weekly. SOOO I guess I still do believe in MY special power altho I am not sure what it is!
That happens to me too sometimes. I just thought it was the lights the first few times, but then the same lights I passed kept flickering out or turning on. Weird.
i believe that i am the keyblade master
i also believed icould control the elements
when i was little i used to think that i had special powers
When I was little I asked my mom how are body moves she told me that little people know when I wont to move so thay move my bones whitch move my body.
I remember a lot of my dreams, very vividly. I had one re-occuring dream that I was outside in my driveway and went into my garage. I'd run out of the garage run in a circle and jump twice and when I jumped the third time I'd be flying.
When I woke up, I'd believe it, still do to some extent. My grade six teacher didn't help any when he taught us to fly with out minds. Relaxing ourselves to the point where your spirit or mind can fly around the city with amazingly precise detail.
I think he's an alien....
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