i used to believe

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When I was in Lower School I had a bizzare belief that I could influence the way people thought by "psychicly" telling them what to think. This mainly consisted of me just going "say the anwser is such and such" in my mind.
All this came from me thinking up jokes on the spot but being to shy to say them, then someone else would about 5 seconds after me thinking it.
Later on in my school life when the teacher was asking a question I used to try and make the other children say stupid things like "Quick Wilbert, to the Batmobile". After 10 unsuccessful atempts I gave up on my superpower...

I dunno, really I dont
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I used to believe that if I closed my eyes no one could see me, and I used to love butter. So I would go to the fridge, close my eyes, and eat butter. For some reason I would ussually get away with it, but I`m guessing thats because my parents could see the entertainment vallue in it, not because I was invicible.I also tried the same when I had cut the whiskers off my cat, I didn`t get away with that one, thats when I lost all faith in the system.

Linn Hege
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When I was a kid, I thought that I could fly if I jumped high enough- but that once I did, gravity would no longer work, and I would go flying off into space and die.
So I never jumperd very high unless I was indoors.

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When I was in 5th grade, I thought I could control the wind. I told my friend and he laughed at me but then held my hands out and the wind moved a little. He told people then they started laughing at me. But I was convinced for a week that I could control the wind.

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I used to believe that at one point, i breathed under water and i spent the longest time trying to figure out how to do it again!

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There was a house down the street that had a sign out front that said"psychic reader". I thought the person inside always knew when I walked by,and what I was thinking.

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My brother told my sister once that she'd be able to do magic tricks if she should drink a raw egg.
She did it and was very very pissed to say the least..

Mr. Z-boy
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I don't know why, but I thought if I kept my legs together the whole night when I was sleeping, they'd join together and I'd turn into a mermaid!

Rebecca Sears
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In grade school as I became interested in girls, I thought that if I concentrated hard enough I could get a message of love into a pretty girl's head. This idea had me staring at some girls which probably freaked them out. Maybe my dating years would have been better without this bad start.

Bill from Lisle
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I used to believe I had the power to see through things. I had noticed that I could "see through" my hand if I covered only one of my eyes. So I promptly went out and tried to see through buildings using that eye...

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I used to believe I could walk on air if I didn't look down. Cartoon characters would run off of cliff and hang in the air until they looked down. I climbed on a chair, looked straight ahead and walked off. I learned I needed to fight my instinct to look down. After the second time my mom kept an eye on me to see why I kept hurting myself. She caught me doing it a third time.

Jason Blanchette
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I used to suck on the ends of batteries intent on gaining super electric powers.

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When i was little, maybe six or seven, i had to go to this day care during the summer. One of their favourite field trips was to go bowling.

I believed i was the strongest kid in the day care AND bowling alley because i could lift an eight pound bowling ball over my head.

All the other kids believed this too and sort of worshiped me. I felt superior... until a new kid who could lift TWO bowling balls arrived.

Lecia the female body builder!
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When I was little, I used to belive that I could be a better football player If, at school, I drunk at the same fountain as one of classmates that played football and were good at it. One day I tried, and I dribbled one of the best mates playing football and then scored a goal. I thought my belief was real, actually not, I know I was just lucky.

J. el Takito
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Once I convinced myself that I could make anything I wanted happen with the power of my mind if I just said, "I want . I want ." over and over again. When I had a bad run of luck, I realized that whatever I wished for, the opposite usually happened. So, I quickly came to the realization that I had been going about it backwards and that what I should have been doing all along is wishing for just the opposite. I spent an entire month mentally chanting, "I don't want to go to Disneyworld. I don'w want to go to Disneyworld. I don't want to go to Disneyworld."

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I used to belive I could hear,smell and see better cause i ate carrots. I somehow belived i was really an evolved raptor and eating carrots sustained my human form. Im still a carrot lover to this day!

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When I was about three or four, i was quite the little trouble-maker. So, when I got into trouble, I would run into the back room, and close my eyes, thinking that this made me invisible. Oddly enough, it did get me out of trouble....

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Having read 'Matilda' when I was younger, I used to believe I could move things just by looking at them hard enough. One time I was in a church choir and at one practice all the parents came to watch. I put my umbrella on the edge of the stage and sat glaring at it as hard as I could, not singing, until my face went bright red, and the singing teacher (who was wearing a microphone) stopped everything to ask me: "Are you alright? Do you need to go to the toilet?"
I have never been so humiliated...

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When my neice was about 4 she pretended to be spider man. Once she got really mad at her mom and pointed her hand at her and yelled "WEB!!", because she believed her rage would enable actual web to fly forth from her hand.

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When I was younger grocery shopping was a family affair. My sister (five years my elder) would tell me that she had the power to control the sprinklers in the produce isle, that spray every so often to moisten the fruits and veggies. I believed this until I as about 8.

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