special powers
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I used to believe that when I was 18, my parents would teach me how to read minds. It was a secret that all adults knew.
When I was young I thought that by drinking orange soda I could run much faster then I normally could. My father did nothing to disprove this theory, often times buying me soda and telling me to run to a point and back while he counted. According to him I ran 100 yards in 10 seconds
I used to believe that I could breathe underwater. I mean, water has oxygen too, right? I distinctly remember laying face down in the pool in the back yard, and slooooowly breathing water in a bit at a time, until I was comfortable breathing underwater. I mean, I can still look back and REMEMBER doing this. I KNOW it's impossible, but.....
I used to believe I could see air
I used to believe that people who wear glasses did had a second brain!
During the height of The A Team's popularity I was given a Mr T pencil eraser, I was absolutely convinced that if I squeezed the eraser hard and long enough Mr T's facial expressions would change from angry to happy, I swear it happened once, then again perhaps not, unless.....
About age 10 we all believed that a kid at school had three lungs because he was so good at sports. he went apeshit when you asked him though
I used to believe you could "project" images in your mind by concentrating really hard, so IfI wanted to show my parents an idea I had, I just had to concentrate and beam it onto the wall.
When I was little, I used to believe that if I bit somebody, and made them bleed, that they would turn into another me! Just like werewolves, only they would turn into a wereme. Then I bit my brother and nothing happened. I must say I was genuinely disappointed.
When I was very young, I once held my forearm vertically right in front of my eyes. I could still see ahead, and I figured that I can see through my own body parts. I told this to my family, and they just laughed and told me to turn my arm horizontal. I did and I couldn't see any more, but I didn't understand why that was.
Growing up, I was very fond of the TV show "The Flying Nun" with Sally Fields. I even made a nun hat out of cardboard. We didn't live far from the school playground with the big swings and one weekend, my cousin and I went to play. I strapped the hat on and swung as high as I could . . . let go . . . and, oh, my god, I didn't know a broken arm could hurt so bad. My cousin ran screaming home and I was not allowed to watch the program again.
I use to believe that if you stared at the sun long enough, (the more painful the better) you would eventually get laser powered eyes like on Superman. I don't know where I got this idea from but it didn't do my eeys any hram ;-)
My nephew was about 8 and thought he could fly. He climbed up the babysitter's tree, and jumped. Of course he didn't fly, but he did break his arm.
Evidently that wasn't enough, as soon as he got his cast off, he climbed back up the tree and did it again, breaking the other arm.
When i was in kindergarten my Dad told me that he could jump higher than the house. He was my Daddy so of course he wouldn't lie! I brought home all my friends from school one day so he could show us all just how high he could jump. Imagine my humiliation when he only jumped about 6", I told him he hadn't jumped higher than the house and he responded that he had because the house couldn't jump!
I used to think that I could teleport. I had a loft bed and, if I wanted to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I would have to climb down the ladder and walk all the way to the bathroom. So, I would close my eyes when I was at the top of my ladder. When I opened them again, I would be in the bathroom. I thought I could teleport, but I never told anyone about my secret powers. Now, I guess that I probably was just sleep walking.
I used to think I had magical sleeping powers because of the way I would fall asleep on the sofa, and wake up in bed a while later. Then I realized it was just my parents carrying me, so I couldn't really teleport myself in a dream.
My mom always told me she knew everything I did, so I really believed she gave me chapstick because it had some kind of secret spy device in it.
When I was younger, as I rode my bike home from school, I saw one of my friends pssing by in a car. After waving to him I decided to race against him on my bike. After I beat him, I was convinced I had some kind of super bike speed thingy power. To make along story short, it was a 15 mile per hour street and they were approaching a stop sign...
i used to believe i had the powers of spiderman and used to climb the bedroom door frames while the family were downstairs.
I used to believe there was a massive secret that adults wern't allowed to tell children
I thought they could read out thoughts and that our thoughts scrolled across our foreheads and only adults could see what all the children were thinking. In assembly when i saw a teacher look at me i'd count in my head, so that they couldn't read my thoughts.
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