weeing and pooing
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top belief!
I remember as a kid watching TV with my mom and an ad for Depends came on. I asked what they were exactly and she said they were like diapers for adults. At the time I didn't know that incontinence was a thing, so I figured some people just never got potty trained and had to wear diapers their whole life.
I used to believe that my balls was where my urine was stored.
I used to believe playing with fire would make me wet the bed. I actually never thought about it until around 15 when I realized it made no sense.
I used to believe that when I pooped a killer whale would come out of the toilet and well kill me, as I grew older I realized that a whale cant even fit through the pipes of a toilet and I felt really stupid
When I was very young, I thought a fart was a turd up there making that noise.
When I got my first period, it came out brown. I thought I had pooped my pants, and that it was mushed into my underwear. I knew what periods were, but I thought they invariably came out red.
There's an episode of "Bear in the Big Blue House", where Bear says that you should go to the bathroom even if you're in the middle of doing something.
I took that a bit too literally, and thought that it meant that if you were in the middle of doing something, you *had* to go to the bathroom.
So, whenever I set out to do something, I'd pause and go to the bathroom whenever I was halfway through, regardless of whether nature was actually calling.
top belief!
I used to think that "explosive diarrhea" was when you pooped actual explosives, like nitroglycerin or whatever.
top belief!
I used to think that if you did a wee in a holiday pool at night, it would glow in the dark and everyone would see.
I thought driving while having to pee was illegal.
I used to beileve girls peed out their butt 😂
top belief!
I use to think that if you ate your poop it would change colour each time it passed through you, so first time it is brown and then you eat it and it will come out red, then you eat it again and it becomes orange and all like that through the colours of the rainbow. I never did try to prove this theory.
I used to believe girls peed out of their butt.
top belief!
I thought it was physically impossible to wet yourself once you were potty trained or wet the bed if you were eleven or older.
When I was little I believed that if you were eating while going #2 you would fart REALLY loud and continue to fart loud over and over until after you'd swallowed the food. I always made sure to swallow any food before sitting down!
Not me, but one old school friend of mine used to believe that "chamber" meant urine because of the phrase "chamber pot".
Since I have dark skin, and poop is obviously brown, I thought that light skinned people had light colored poop. For some reason, I just couldn't imagine light skinned people having poop that wasn't their color. I also thought that cats and dogs were exempt to my theory, meaning they all had brown poop no matter what color they were.
When I was younger, I used to believe when I used the bathroom that an alligator lived in the sewer and ate or drank my business. Poop was the food. pee was the drinks or the poop sauce. Diarrhea was soup. I was a very weird child.
I used to think that fat people were full of poop, and if they would just poop more, they would stop being fat.
When i was little, i thought dogs poop from their tails.
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