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weeing and pooing

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When i was little, i used to think tht you wee out of the baby hole..and that poop also came out there to, until i looked and it wasnt true

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I used to think that when the time came, I would have to insert tampons into my pee-hole. I assumed it was because our pee-holes got bigger with age.

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Once, when I was 3 and my sister was 9 we came home and both had tNew Foldero use the bathroom. She wanted to go first and so she told me that she could "go for me". So for several years I thought somehow someone else could magically pee my urine so I wouldn't have to.

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When I was little I thought that poop was like a really long sausage link and each piece of poop was one less in your body and that if you pooped enough some day you would poop it all out and never have to go #2 again.

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when i was about 7 or 8 a friend from school said that if you had a wee and poop at the same time you'd explode.

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When I was a little girl, I believed there must be something that I thought of as a Turd Fairy. The Turd Fairy, I thought, was the one that put the biggest turds in the toilet that sometiemes showed up there when I went to poopoo or try to. That was because I was sure that my anus couldn't possibly open wide enough to let out the bigggest turds that I would see after I pooped. So it must take a Turd Fairy to put those biggest turds there, I thought.

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i used to believe when i was little that if somebody's wee was still in the toilet and then you wee'd on top of it it would make an explosion which would shoot up in the air because of the chemicals mixing up!!

Laura x
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From junior kindergarden to grade 2, teachers always stressed to ask to go to the washroom and not just leave, well i applied the same to at home. So everynight when i had to go to the washroom I would go to my parents room and ask to go :P

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I believed for YEARS that if i peed while i was in a swimming pool a purple circle would appear around me and everyone would know I'd done it.

Never Peed in a Pool
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Up until i was about 4, i thought u pooed out a baby. so everytime i went poo, i would check to see if there was a baby in the toilet. i was pretty messed up.

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When I was 3, I walked into the toilet as my Brothers wife (yes my brother is nearly 20 yrs older than me) was taking a pee on the toilet. She used to wear low cut tops and expose her cleavage. The cleavage looked like an ass, so from then on I thought that women used to shit from between their tits. I know better now ;-)

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One time, I was about two, I walked into the bathroom while my dad was in there. He was taking a leak, and since I was so little didn't really care I was in there (you're not supposed to remember things like that so young or something). I saw his penis and thought that all males could poo out their front end, too, because it looked like a big piece of it to me.

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Once when I was about 4 or 5 I heard my grandmother telling my aunt that one of my other cousins had a tapeworm and when he went to go poo it started coming out and his mom had to pull it the rest of the way out. This scared me so bad that I thought if I went to go poo, a worm would come out of my butt too so I didn't poo for about 2 weeks. My mom finally took me to the doctor and he had to explain to me that I didn't have a tapeworm.

Nelly Waters
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I used to believe, up until I was about 7, that boys could only pee if they were standing up and they held their penis and squeezed, like a water balloon. I thought this because that's how I always saw boys peeing. I also had only one sister, so of course, you get lots of crazy ideas about what boys are like.

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When I was a little kid I used to think that poop was like stalactites and stalagmites inside your butt. Little tiny people that lived in your butt would come and chop them off with axes, causing you to have to go poop. Occasionally, one would be carried away with the poop and be flushed down the toilet, making me very sad.

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I thought girls peed out of a little hairy stick that popped out of their bottom when they needed to go.
This was because I had been taken into the ladies when Iwas about 4 and had stood beside the toilet while my mum had crouched over the pan and had a pee.
What I had seen was her peeing and her pubic hair caught up in the flow and when she stopped it disappeared back up into her bum.
I thought that this stick popped out at the moment you started to pee and then disappeared again when you finished but how did it know when to pop out?
I thought this was the way girls peed until I was about 9 and saw a girl take her pants down in front of me and pee.

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When i was young i thought girls had nothing in there crotch area, it was just flat smooth skin, i thought they peed from there butt

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When I was little, I believed that when you went pee, your pee would be the same color as your last drink (i.e if you had grape soada, you would pee purple) Since I always drank lemonade (yellow) i never noticed that if i drank orange soda, my pee wasn't orange...

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When i was about five, i used to think that if i strain too hard to get the poo out, i might poo out my brain.! I always did a few mathematics problems after going to the bathroom to make sure my brain was still there!

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I used to believe that if a person had a tapeworm, they could squat over a pot of boiling cabbage and it would come out of them. I don't know why...

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