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weeing and pooing

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When I was younger I didn't realize that women had three different holes. I just figured that you had one hole that open and closed at intervals depending on your need. I believed this until 5th grade, and after learning the truth I was disgusted that I could have ever thought otherwise..

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When I was little, I was wondering how girls peed, so I asked my mom, and she told me that girls peed out of their butts. I believed this for a few years, until I was 8, when I was at a female friend's house, and I said something that revealed this belief. She told me that this was false, and although she wasn't at all scornful, I was horribly embarrassed. Later that day, I asked my mom about it, and she said that girls pee out of their vaginas.

This, of course, is also false.

I learned the truth from internet porn when I was 12.

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Probably up until the age of about five, I thought that if I did not ask my mum for permission to go to the bathroom, I would literally not be able to go. Whenever I had to pee, I would have to run and find her and ask, "Can I go to the bathroom?" to which she would always give me a rather confused, "Of course." This led to trouble if I was over at a friend's house - no matter how much I had to pee when I was there, I never would. My mum wasn't there to give me permission, so I thought I had to hold it until I got home! Thankfully I never had an accident because of this, but it was a close call a few times.

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when i was in kindergarten i used to believe that girls donīt wee..because everytime i saw a girl on toilet she was in the same position as i was when pooing... so i thought that girls just poo and never wee...

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I used to believe that if you weed your pants, an alarm would go off and everyone would know you did it.

Mr Ice Creamie
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I used to believe that if you did a wee on an electric fence, you would be electricuted. I shouldn't have watched Ren and Stimpy....

Mrs Ice Creamie
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My brother used to believe that boys and girls had the same "private parts". At the same time I used to believe that boys NEVER touched their "thingy" when going to the bathroom; that would be gross. He was about 9 and I was 6. I would never wash my hands after I went to the bathroom because I never got them really dirty or anything and I didn't touch anything disgusting. My brother, however, had to use his hands to hold his penis and so he always washed his hands. He was disgusted with me. "Don't your hands ever get sticky?" he asked me. I was so confused. I thought he used some special type of toilet paper that was like Silly Putty that would be pink, strechy, and wet. o_0

I looked for the special toilet paper that day.
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I used to think women peed out their buttholes, and that their vaginas were just for babies. I always wondered if they could pee and poop at the same time.

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i thought that when boys had to poop they pooped (in a urinal) so when they where done peeing the would turn around and poop ewwwwwwwwwww

pee like a boy
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When I was little and being potty trained, my family was having a picnic with friends when I needed to have a wee. There were no toilets around so my mum plonked me on some tree roots (at the bottom of a tree) and told me to wee there. I ended up doing a wee on the grass, because I believed that if you weed on the bottom of a tree, then you would have to live in that tree forever. everyone was watching me while I was squatting to go wee wees on the grass. That was my most embarrassing story, even though I was young....

Picnic Entertainer
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As a child i saw two younger siblings come home from the hospital. When i saw their umbelical cords i thought that was how they pooped before they were born, and after they were born they switched to their bottom.

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I used to believe that all of my body fluids inside me would pour out of my vagina when I was doing a wee. I tried holding it in for about three days, but I had to go to the doctor because I had a water infection. I then had to have a wee in a bedpan to show the dctor the usual color of my wee.

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I used to believe that when a baby is in the mothers tummy, it weed through the umbilical cord at the same time as the woman would have a wee. Wow thats a lot of wee wee!

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when i was young i though that women had to wear pads because they always peeded their pants

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When my twins were very little - around 4 - we took them to an amusement park. Husband had taken one of them to the loo. While waiting for them to return, the other one decided he had to use the loo too! So I took him to the ladies room. He did his thing. I decided that while I was there I would use it too. While sitting down, I noticed he looked very concerned. He then announced very LOUDLY, "Mommy, don't worry. When daddy is done using his, he will let you use it."

I still remember hearing the lady in the stall next to me laughing.

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When we were little my sister was soooooo afraid to poop in the toilet (she would either hold it until she could go outside, or cry the enire time she was on the toilet) because the poop would jump back out of the toilet and bite her butt.

It wasn't until she was about 10 that she realised it was just the splash from the poop falling into the toilet!

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When I was young, I used to believe that if your pee or poo was mixed with someone else's... like if they didn't flush or like in an outhouse... the mix of the two created a smelly bathroom AND a noxious gas that could poison you.

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I was eating with my best friend once when I was 9, and she pointed to my plate and said that my food would turn into poop after a while. So I scraped all of my food into a pile on my plate, and left in there for a while, waiting for it to turn into poop right there on my plate. I never happened, and I was mad at her for lying.

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My auntie used to have a dog and whenever i went to her house, there'd usually be some dog poo in the back yard. Some of it was white because it was old or something. However, i thought that the white poo's were actually pee.

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i use to think that poop was left over food from the people partying in side of me.

Jillian Shoffstall
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