weeing and pooing
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top belief!
I used to think that no one else could hear me pee! It wasn't like I was magic or something, it's just that I didn't think that peeing made any noise. I figured it out when I realized that for years I had been hearing other people pee.
I used to wonder why people were fat; after all, everything you ate eventually would go down the toilet, right?
I used to believe age 6 i think ...this is v embarassing well went i went to the toilet if i did a number 1 and 2 at the same time that meant i would have twins !!
top belief!
I was told that God was always watching over us, so I was really embarrassed to go to the loo and I would make my skirt into a toilet tent to hide my embarrassment.
i used to belive that when girls peed it came out of there ass
top belief!
My Mum told me that the Queen used to have an injection every day so that she didn't have to go to the toilet like the rest of us. I always used to wonder why she was the only person allowed to have it.
top belief!
When I was 7 I had a bit of a bed wetting problem so the doctor gave my parents a contraption that consisted of a foil sheet that lay under my bed sheet and a box that buzzed if the sheet got wet. Now the buzzing box probably had a battery but I thought it ran on electricity and I knew that electricity and water DID NOT mix. I was petrified that when I wet the bed I'd be electricuted. Whatever problem I had that made me a bed wetter was quickly replaced by the fear of being killed by my Buzzer in the middle of the night.
I used to believe that if you had a pee AND a poop at exactly the same time, then you would die
top belief!
When I was about 4 years old I used to believe that light colored foods (like popcorn, mashed potatoes) were "processed" into urine (because it was light colored) and dark colored foods were "processed" into poop (because it was darker). I didn't think solids or liquids had anything to do with it, it was all based on color.
I used to believe that if I put my hands over my ears no-one could here me going to the toilet. I was 12 before I stopped putting my hands over my ears when I was on the toilet!
I used to believe that my butt was an alien and that if my turds were too stinky he would come off, do a dance, and then eat my brains....
I realized later it wasn't true whan i ate cabbage everyday for a week and my parents almost pased out when they walked bye the bathroom.
Up until I was about Ten I was convinced that all my Wee came from my testicles and what was there was all you got forever; I was very concerned that their capacity seemed a little small and that I was destined to run out of Wee one day. In an attempt to conserve the ever decreasing supply, I ended up with a water infection from constantly holding my wee in. At the doctors I cried and told my parents and the Doc about my pending wee drought. After much giggling I was told indepthly about the bladder and kidneys etc. I was very "relieved" after hearing this news.....I now try to wee as often as possible!!!
When I was 3-4, I thought that when I had to go to the bathroom, I had to pull down my skirt *and* my undies. It was a while before I figured out that you could just lift your skirt up instead of removing it!
When I was about four years old I had seen a kid pee on the floor and I thought he was peeing out of his navel so I belived that boys can pee out of their navel
top belief!
When I was about 8, a friend in the playground told me one break-time that if you pushed too hard while having a "poo", that your brains came out of your bottom. I've never forgotten this and am always a little cautious when it gets to that crutial moment!
My mom has always said, "bowel movement" in reference to using the bathroom, (#2). When I was little and asked her why she said that, she explained that a bowel movement was what made our poop come out. So naturally, I thought that meant there was something inside of us called a "bowel", and that when ever IT moved around, it forced our poop out. It wasn't until some time later during a bad stomach ache that I suggested to my mom that, "...maybe my bowel was broken", when she realized I had the wrong idea, and explained things a little better.
top belief!
Until I was about 8 or 9 I believed that most people understood what was meant by the term "going grunties".
My mum says it originated from when I was tiny and used to make huge, exaggerated grunting sounds whilst trying to dislodge a number 2, but I had completely forgotten about that and thought it was an accepted term for a terd!
Imagine my embaressment when I was laughing at someone else for committing the cardinal sin of pooing in the school toilets and came out with "you can't go grunties at school!" only for the entire pack to turn on me instead! Serves me right for being a meanie in the first place, though.
To this day, I don't know if it is true, but after reading Silence of the lambs I thought your faeces changed colour as it hit the air coming out of you... Although I was 13 at the time it still fascinated me and I used to try and have a look. It was sort of like having a Gloal Hypercolour T shirt in your body. I don't look now.
after i got potty trained, i thought u didnt have to use the toilet anymore, because the potty my parents had for me rested ontop of the toilet. so when they said i was trained enough to no longer use the potty i urinated behind the tv set and did a turd in the bathtub
When we were about 8, me and my best pal Julie wondered what colour pee black people did - was it black or the same as ours? We were too scared to ask our parents and resigned ourselves to never finding out.
Also, my parents referred to shit as 'doodles', so us kids thought it was hilarious when people talked about doodling on paper.
I can remember my younger sister asking my boyfriend if he peed before he sat down for a dump, or did he tuck his willy into the toilet and do it at the same time.
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