weeing and pooing
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When I was little, I used to believe that if you waited to long to pee, it'd come out of your belly button.
top belief!
When I was a kid, the toilet in my bathroom was blue, so I thought that Pee was green. The first time I used a toilet that was white and saw my pee was yellow, I cried cause I thought I was dying
I didn't understand why women sat when peeing (my mother) so I assumed that they peed out of their butt
top belief!
My poop was always around the same color as my skin so I assumed white people's poop was white.
When I was very young I knew that only boys had penises. That was the extent of my knowledge though as I thought girls weed out of their bums ;)
I used to believe that if you wore your socks to bed, they would turn into poop.
I used to believe that it was perfectly OK to pee on the tire of someone's car. My Dad told me this was what you were supposed to do at tail-gate parties. Meanwhile, he and buddies were probably laughing their asses of, drunk on beer.
top belief!
i use believe that when someone went to the bathroom on a plane, when they whould flush the toilet that there buisness whould come out of the plane and go on fields.
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When I was about 5, I thought that everyone had different coloured poo and that I had badluck for having brown poo.
i used to believe that our insides are hollow and when we eat that the food would pile up and rot and that was why i thought poop was brown....
i used to believe that all people went pee out doors. when my dad took me on long car trips and i had to go pee he would pull over to the side of the road. once when i went on a car trip with my mom i said i had to go pee. she pulled up to a gas station and i hopped out of the car and ran to the bushes. my mom saw me and she started yelling. from that day on i told my dad "take me to a gas station i have to go pee!!"
top belief!
My best friend has a pool, and when we were little her mom would always tell us that if we peed in the pool a giant purple ring would form around us and everyone would know we peed and would laugh at us. So I didn't pee in the pool. I believed that up until I was ten when I searched it on google.
I used to believe that a man could pee into a woman's vagina, and then she could pee for both of them.
top belief!
My older sister (by nine years, she should've known better!) told me when I was 4 that if you weed and pooped at the same time you would die. I would be on the toilet bawling my eyes out everytime it happened.
When I was little I used to believe that if I played with fire, then I would wet the bed.
top belief!
I used to hold my poop as long as i could so my body could use as much of the nutrients as possible, as long as possible, so i could be bigger.
The first time I remember having to go poopoo outdoors, I was suprised to soon find flies swarming around my turd that I'd dropped in the woods. I got the idea that that was where where flies came from, that they'd been made in my poo while it was still inside me. For a long time after that, I couldn't bring myself to flushing my dooky down any potty, thinking that would be drowning the poor flies that I gave birth to.
My sister believed me that if you held in your poo long enough it would come out your mouth. Woe the day my mother said I was constipated....
top belief!
When I was potty training, my mom put my doll in a bowl next to my potty chair. Once, there was "pee" in her bowl/potty chair. I had believed that she had gone potty for a really long time until I was old enough to figure it out on my own what had happend that day.
When I was little, I heard the rumors floating around that girls dont have a peepee. "How do they pee?" I would ask and seemed to always get the answer "Sitting down". I believed girls peed out of there butt for a good 4 years.
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