weeing and pooing
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Royal families don't go to the toilet!!!
I used to said to my little brother that the King and Queen of Spain do not go to the toilet, because the are the "royal family". They had an operation so that they didn't need to wee or poo.
My brother used to beliefe it..., now we laught about it..
top belief!
I used to believe that people with brown eyes pooped more than average (as poop is brown), people with hazel eyes did slightly more poops than average, people with blue eyes peed more than average (as blue is kind of like a watery colour) and people with green eyes did the average amount of pees and poops.
top belief!
When i was young I used to believe that when your bladder was full you could eat dry foods (like crackers, chips, or bread) and it would absorb all of your pee so you wouldn't have to use the bathroom any more.
top belief!
I used to believe women always peed their pants, and that feminine pads were used like diapers. This was because the liquid used in the pad commercials was always that same blue water you saw in diaper commercials.
top belief!
I used to believe that everybody had different colored pee. Mine was yellow. My brother told me his pee was green. And when I went over to my grandmother's house, her toilet water was blue, so Ithought that was her pee.
Why'd I get stuck with yellow pee?! I wished I had black pee.That would have been so cool!
I used to think that whatever you consumed would automatically turn to pee, then depending on how long you waited to go to the bathroom the pee would change into diarrhea, then to soft pooh, then to hard pooh, You didn't want to let it get to hard pooh... that was bad
I used to think that you didn't have to flush the chain or wash your hands if you had a wee, only a poo!
For years I believed that my urine came out of my vagina.
There was some kid Kevin with who I went to a kindergarten. He had a penis, so I used to believe that I, as a girl, have a penis too, although I could feel the oposite. Once we went peeing and he asked me why I have to sit and pee, so I tried standing and catching something that were never there. I went all wet. That was when I realised the difference.
top belief!
in second grade i used to believe that when a person is skinny, it means that they poop alot. the more you poop, the skinnier you are. so i saw this kid i didnt like who was skinny and told him "HAHA YOU POOP ALOT!"
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When I was little I wanted to be a boy very badly, mostly because they never had to wear dresses and got the cool toys. Anyway - I used to believe that if I peed standing up I would grow a penis and then become a boy. Of course, since I was a girl, this involved straddling the toilet. My mom never could figure out how I made such a mess in the bathroom...
I used to believe that whenever I leave something open (like a window or something) something pops out at night when youre sleeping and goes inside you and starts putting water in you to make you pee real bad when you wake up. So I closed everything in the morning
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when i was small my dad always used to ask to use the bathroom while i showered. i would peek, but all i could see was the pee going down. i always thought he was peeing out of his belly button!
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I used to believe that balls (genitals) contained wee instead of sperm, and going to the toilet was how to empty them!
I used to believe that if you stayed on the toilet for too long, a monster's hand would grab your bottom and drag you down to where it lived.
I had an alcoholic uncle who had a knack for saying crazy stuff. One time, he sneezed into a napkin, and exclaimed something like "Man, I think I just blew my brains out through my nose!" I totally thought this was possible until I was about 15 years old! Somehow, I also transferred this belief to other bodily functions, and whenever I had a particularly difficult to pass bowel movement, I was terrified that I would poop my stomach out of my butt!
I used to think that if I didn't take all my clothews of before I used the toilet, then I would get them dirty.
When I was small I used to believe that if you peed in the swimming pool the water turned black and the life guard kicked you out. Unsurprisingly I haven't peed in the pool since.
top belief!
I used to think (when I was 4,5, or 6) that pads were for people who couldn't make it to the bathroom in time, so when my mom told me she would tell me what they were for when I was older, I thought she was just embarassed that she had them.
top belief!
When I was around 5 or 6 I used to believe that females could poop standing up because they had to sit down when they peed.
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