weeing and pooing
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My best friend has a pool, and when we were little her mom would always tell us that if we peed in the pool a giant purple ring would form around us and everyone would know we peed and would laugh at us. So I didn't pee in the pool. I believed that up until I was ten when I searched it on google.
i used to believe that there were little men inside my body who opened and closed valves in me to separate food and drinks, which is how you get pee and poo.
Thanks to a rather misleading reproduction diagram in a childrens fact book, I was, for a long time, under the impression that only boys had bladders.
i used to have a book that showed how the body works, and there were diagrams of people inside the drawing of the body turning cranks. i actually thought there were people inside me pushing out my poo when i went doodie, and i always thought to myself"my, i hope they washed their hands!"
When I was about five, I used to think that if you went to the toilet whilst eating a sweet, it would come straight out the other end if you swallowed it!
when i was in the cubs, our akela told us that it took about 3 or 4 days for liquid to pass through the body. i only found out that this wasn't the case when i started drinking in pubs....
When I was little my grandmother used to refer to taking a dump as 'the miseries'. I misheard this and for ages thought 'Miziwiz' was another name for poo.
When I was very little, I used to beleive that if you held your poop in long enough, that it would turn to pee. So for a very long time I was saying "Ahhhhh, It turned into pee". No one in my family ever knew what I was talking about.
When i was 8 years old i used to think babies got pooped out in the toilet ... i didnt want to be a mum when i was 8 so i held in my poop for 2 weeks. Mum made me take laxatives, and when i did poop they were SO HUGE! i flushed the poop down the toilet straight away incase a baby hatched from the poop.
When I was a little girl, my sister once told me that nobody poopooed except for me. And it must have been for years that I believed her!
at my middle school there was a drinking fountain by the bathroom. you could hear the toilets flushing in the bathroom while you were taking a drink. the water would get all warm when someone flushed the toilet!! it was so gross i thought it was filtered pee straight from the toilet
When I was little, I thought that digested food would stay in my stomach and play on and in my insides. They would form their own little communities, which usually consisted of a slide and a tent. When I got annoyed with one of them (they would talk to me, you see), I would tell them that it was time to be passed, and say my farewells to them. When they left, their girlfriend/mom/kids, etc..would get so upset that they would pass, too. I thought this was the natural progression of how people passed food.
Why yes, I was an odd child.
Once, when I was 3 and my sister was 9 we came home and both had tNew Foldero use the bathroom. She wanted to go first and so she told me that she could "go for me". So for several years I thought somehow someone else could magically pee my urine so I wouldn't have to.
Until I was about 8 or 9 I believed that most people understood what was meant by the term "going grunties".
My mum says it originated from when I was tiny and used to make huge, exaggerated grunting sounds whilst trying to dislodge a number 2, but I had completely forgotten about that and thought it was an accepted term for a terd!
Imagine my embaressment when I was laughing at someone else for committing the cardinal sin of pooing in the school toilets and came out with "you can't go grunties at school!" only for the entire pack to turn on me instead! Serves me right for being a meanie in the first place, though.
When i was small I used to believe that the "MEN ONLY" sign on the entrance to the Male Public Toilet meant that! I always looked for a "Boys" Toilet without any luck.
When we were very young, my brother and I were caught on multiple occasions sitting on the toilet together, Butt to Butt looking in opposite directions. When asked what we were doing, we exclaimed that we were trying to make our "doo doo's" meet into one "fat doo doo that would kill the smurfs". Do not ask as I have no idea....
~Robert Sean Gibson
up until i was six i beleived that people with brown eyes pood brown poo (like me) and people with blue pood blue, green etc etc.
I used to believe whenever I got an erection it meant I had to pee.
When I was little my grandma always stressed the importance of a routine to me. So every night for about two years at exactly two a.m. I would leave my bedroom and go into the livingroom, I would turn on the porch light and go outside. I would stand on the porch until the were no cars on the street the I would skip down the sidewalk to the other side of our house. We had this flower garden with several rosebushes in the back of it. I would walk in between two rosebushes and pee. I would almost always scrape myself on the thorns. After I finished peeing I would skip back down the sidewalk and back to bed.
My mom always wondered where I got the scrapes because I never got them during the day and they would always be there in the morning. I told her I didnt know where them came from.
After a couple of years of my routine my mom had fallen asleep on the couch, my dad didnt want to wake her so he turned off all the lights and the tv and let her sleep. While I was busy at my routine I had opened the door to go outside at 2 in the morning I was only 8. I had woken my mother and she screamed, "What are you doing?" I had replied that I was only doing what grandma had told me to do and I would like to finish my routine if that wasn't a problem with her. (I was mouthy)She told me to go to bed. I was so mad at her for not letting me finish my routine I didn't talk to her for a week. To this day she still doesn't know where all the cuts came from and what I was doing at two in the morning. Shortly after she caught me she had an alarm installed that went off when the door was opened, she made sure I never completed my routine again.
When I was little I used to love Barney and I had Barney underwear. I thought that if I peed on Barney then he would die. That's how I got potty trained.Lol
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