weeing and pooing
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When I was little, my mom finally told me about what was going on 'down there' when I went to the bathroom. For the longest time, I thought that the urethra (or however you spell it :/ ) was called your Aretha, as in Aretha Franklin, the singer. I still can't keep a straight face whenever I hear that name!
Also, this is not really a belief, but, when I was around 3 years old, whenever I had to go to the bathroom, wherever I was I would pull my pants and underwear, or drawers if you're British, and THEN run to the bathroom. I have no clue whatsoever why I did this. We even have pictures which I'm sure my mom will make use of when I bring my first serious boyfriend home...
When my sister was little (maybe three or four) she accidentily walked in on our father in the bathroom. Later that day she annouced to my mother and I that, "Daddy pees out of his finger!"
When I was a kid, I was taught that pooping was naughty. So whenever I was taken to the doctor and thay'd take my temperature with a thermometer in my rectum, I thought they were trying to plug up the hole to stop me from pooping!
I used to believe I was the only person who could poop. I would brag about it, too! "Why are you taking so long?" my friend would ask. I'd tell them, "I'm pooping - but you don't know what that is, since I'm the only one that can!" Jeese, I thought I was some hot stuff.
When I was really young, I accidently walked into a men's toliet in the shopping centre and didn't see any toliet stalls. I thought that men and boys only pee, and it was only girls that did 'number 2s' because they had toliet stalls.
As a child I was absolutely certain that my anus could not possibly open wide enough to let out even a typical sized turd, not to even mention an especially large one. So I was sure that when one pooped, turds somehow magically materialized outside one's anus, giving only the illusion that they actually came out through it. Funny how i never thought to wish that they would materialize just a tad farther out from my anus, so I'd never have to wipe my butt!
I used to believe that if you did a wee on an electric fence, you would be electricuted. I shouldn't have watched Ren and Stimpy....
I'm too young to remember, but my mother has told me that the first time I used the toilet properly I got really upset when she flushed my poo away and I cried because I hadn't said goodbye to it.
I use to believe if I had to pee real bad if I ate crackers it would soak it up
i used to believe that all people went pee out doors. when my dad took me on long car trips and i had to go pee he would pull over to the side of the road. once when i went on a car trip with my mom i said i had to go pee. she pulled up to a gas station and i hopped out of the car and ran to the bushes. my mom saw me and she started yelling. from that day on i told my dad "take me to a gas station i have to go pee!!"
I used to believe that urine was stored in the testicles and always wondered why they stayed the same size after peeing.
I used to think that there was a special extra organ in your body that held your poo in the shape that it comes out in, so it was like pre-made poo!
Up until I was about Ten I was convinced that all my Wee came from my testicles and what was there was all you got forever; I was very concerned that their capacity seemed a little small and that I was destined to run out of Wee one day. In an attempt to conserve the ever decreasing supply, I ended up with a water infection from constantly holding my wee in. At the doctors I cried and told my parents and the Doc about my pending wee drought. After much giggling I was told indepthly about the bladder and kidneys etc. I was very "relieved" after hearing this news.....I now try to wee as often as possible!!!
My boyfriend used to believe that girls peed out of their butts. Actually, he believed that until he was ~19 years old. I'm not sure he mentioned that in our conversation, but I set him straight (after much ridicule--19 years old!)
when i was small, i thought girls dont do any of the dirty stuff like excreting urine or faeces, cos they are so beautiful and wonderful.
I'm still baffled about where I picked up this habit, but when I was younger, I believed that you were supposed to sit on the toilet stark-naked (without socks even). I never knew otherwise for a long long time. In fact, it was only about half a year ago that I decided to leave my shirt on.
When I was at infant school, my next door neighbour used to look after me in the morning when my mum and dad went to work. One day she asked me if I wanted to spend a penny before I went to school, I thought this meant that we were going to the shops to get some sweets and was very excited, you can imagine my disappointment when she told me what it really meant.
When I was a little girl, my sister once told me that having to poop was caused by being naughty. So I resolved to be a good enough girl that I would quit pooping. By the fifth grade I was very sad that I just couldn't seem to manage to be good enough to quit pooping.
When I was a child I had a playmate named Iris. She was one of the most fondly remembered playmates I ever had. Only one thing, in retrospect, might have been wrong with her. She told me that she didn't poop. She said that was why she was named for a flower. She said that some girls don't poop and they are named for flowers because flowers don't poop. I believed that for some time, at least until after my brother, who is a good bit older than I, got married. Then once I went to see the movie GIRL, INTERRUPTED, with a group including my brother and sister-in-law. In this movie, set in a girls' mental ward, a crucial plot point revolves around a girl named Daisy becoming constipated (probably because she won't eat anything but chicken!). She wants laxatives but the staff won't give them to her. So she ends up trading pills that some other girls want for the laxative that she wants. Durring that part of the movie, my sister-in-law heard me making curious questioning sounds and saying "That makes no sense at all!" After the movie my sister-in-law asked me what didn't make any sense at all about the movie to me. Naturally I was reluctant to tell her, but she said "Come, on you can tell me!" I tried to get off saying "It made no sense that they named the character 'Daisy'". But she got if anything all the more curious and begged me until I told her the whole story, about how Iris had told me that girls with flower names don't poop. She burst out laughing long and hard. But when her laughter finally subsided, she told me she was sure that everyone poops, even girls with flower names. Not long afterwards, she was among several relatives riding in a van with me. My sister-in-law whispered in my ear, "I hope I can make it to the next stop! I gotta poop real bad!" Then she added, "Call me by a flower name and see if that can help me make it." So I said, "Okay, Rose," and started calling her that. I guess I called her "Rose" at least five times before the next stop. Afterwards, she told me that she made it without crapping in her pants, but calling her "Rose" never seemed to lessen the urge in the least. A few of the others in the van had asked why I was calling her "Rose" when that wasn't her name. I never told and I hope she didn't either.
Since very small boys who are being potty-trained sit down when they pee, I thought that if you couldn't pee standing up then you would stay a toddler forever.
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