weeing and pooing
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I used to think that everyone had tiny magicians inside them that would turn the food into poop as it went down through your body.
As I had never seen my parents go to the toilet for a No 2 I had the firm belief that as you got older you stopped needing to have a dump. I went around two weeks without going when I was about 10 and thought "this is it, I've hit puberty"
I used to believe that people would not grow if they did not do poo.
When I was small I thought that boys had 2 penises, and balls. 1 to pee with, and one I wasn't sure about, but my big sis kept talking about it.
This is disgusting, my apologies up front. I was told as a kid that to conserve rations whilst at war, soldiers would only ever wipe their bums with one piece of loo paper.
I was told that they'd tear a small hole in the centre of one piece, put their finger through the hole, wipe up all the mess with the finger and then wipe their finger with the remainder of the paper. I believed this well into my teens and shuddered at the thought of joining the army.
When I was 3-4, I thought that when I had to go to the bathroom, I had to pull down my skirt *and* my undies. It was a while before I figured out that you could just lift your skirt up instead of removing it!
I am caucasian, but my "poop" was not. When I was little, I used to think that white people pooped brown and brown people pooped white!
When I was a young teenager, I used to believe that when guys urinated they had to squeeze their penis to make the pee come out. In movies, it showed the men merely holding their penises, not squeezing the pee out.
I found out I had been mistaken when I was playing Barbie's with my friend, and I had made Barbie "help" Ken go to the bathroom.
i used to think there were little mini oompa loompas inside of me that pushed the poop out of my butt
I used to think that men's poo came out of their penis' like wee.
Until I was about 7 or so, I used to believe that there was a cork in your pee hole that held all the pee in until you needed to use the bathroom. I'm a girl and so I could never witness this event, and spent countless hours loking for the tiny cork in the toilet after I went to the bathroom.
I used to beleive that there was an alligator opening and closing my butthole so i could poop. The door was an oldfashioned drawbridge door. I always felt bad for the alligator because he had to step over my poop to open the door. Also i thought that wen i pooped my pants (since it was still maybe or three and it happened sometimes) that i kept the alligator waited too long so hejust opened the door because he was getting smooshed by the poop. The alligators name was Al.
I used to believe, when I was very young, that as women had no penises, women had no private parts altogether. How did they use the toilet, you say? Easy: they peed through the anus.
This belief was revoked when I discussed the matter with my brother, who cracked up laughing saying, "Imagine how disgusting it would be trying to pee and crap at the same time!"
When I was small, about 7 or so, I knew that my large intestine was a device for making poopies. So I logically deduced that my small intestine MUST be producing urine!!! :)
when I was kid, I once got the idea that anything called a "poison" was inevitably fatal if you ate or drank it, no matter how small the amount you had consumed. And I thought furthermore that any poison would make you die exactly three days after you ate or drank it. Then one time my mother told me that you need to poop every day, because poop is poison and you need to get it out of your system. So I was terrified the first time after that when I went a day without pooping. I was sure that I would die three days later. So on the third day after that day I didn't poop, I was secretly preparing to lay me down to die. It didn't seem to matter that I HAD pooped on the two days in between.
When i was little i used to think that when people went to the bathroom to use the toilet, they got butt-naked because they were always still getting dressed when they came out...fixing a shirt etc. So I would do the same and my mommy always knew when i had been to the bathroom because all my clothes would be in back to front and my shoes on the wrong feet.
I used to believe that if you ate a crayon that when you pooped your poop would be colored. This being because my cousin told me she once ate a box of crayons, and when she pooped, it was colored.
To tell you the truth, I'm still not sure about this one. Haha, yeah I'm weird.
My little sister was three when my mother came into the living room asking who had forgotten to flush the toliet. My sister ran into the bathroom and declared "it was me that's my color" She though everyone peed their favorite color!
I used to believe that if you peed and pooed at the same time something bad would happen. I wasn't sure what, but I did know that I didn't want to be sitting there if it turned out to be some sort of explosion!
I use to believe that when it rained, it was actually God peeing on us because he was mad at the world
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