weeing and pooing
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Royal families don't go to the toilet!!!
I used to said to my little brother that the King and Queen of Spain do not go to the toilet, because the are the "royal family". They had an operation so that they didn't need to wee or poo.
My brother used to beliefe it..., now we laught about it..
when i was a kid i used to think that pooping was pretty much the same as giving birth, so i would always look in the toilet before flushing to make sure that there wasn't a baby in there.
I used to think boys went "number two" with their pee pees.
I used to beileve girls peed out their butt 😂
I used to believe that if you picked a dandelion you would wet the bed, and also that if you hung upside down while you needed the loo the wee would come out of your mouth!
when i was really little and not potty trained my dad told me that the poo fairy would come if i went! so i did! i took the poo and put it in a bag and then i stuck it under my pillow...i forgot it was there and my mom found a nasty surprise when she cleaned my bed the next week!
One time I went to the doctor to get a shot, and the shot was in my butt. Of course I kicked and screamed for quite awhile, and he put a little round band-aid on it. The worst part, though, was that I couldn't poop until the band-aid came off because I thought that if I did it would come out the other "hole" in my butt. I was pretty excited and relieved when it was finally 'healed.'
I used to believe I had a fairy living inside me and she would turn poop inside me into pixie dust. Then the pixie dust would be wafted out into the atmosphere when I farted. So, I thought that being constipated was a good thing, because it meant my fairy was doing her job well. But when I had to have an actual bowel movement, I thought it meant my fairy had gotten behind with her work or was sick or something.
I used to believe that when a baby is in the mothers tummy, it weed through the umbilical cord at the same time as the woman would have a wee. Wow thats a lot of wee wee!
Growing up as a child I was unaware of the fact that men peed standing up. It wasn't until i was in Jr. High when a friend dared me to run in and out of the boys bathroom that I first saw a urinal. At first glance I thought that the urinal was a special type of sink that boys required. It wasn't until months later when my mother got my dad in trouble for leaving the toilet seat up yet again, did I have the curiosity to ask what the big deal was. It was then that she explained to me how it was that men peed. I felt like a complete idiot having believed the boys and girls pee sitting down.
I used to believe that celbrities and people like prime ministers and queens didn't pee or poop as they never went to the bathroom when they were on TV.
When i was little my older brother said rocks grew in your poop, so i went digging and never found any
I told my brother when he was being potty-trained that if he pooped too much the poop monster would come out of the toilet and eat him from his butt up to his head. The poor kid refused to use a toilet until age five.
When I was little, I used to think that there were little gremlins in my stomach that used gears to push out my poop. When I couldn't poop, I used to tell my parents that my "gears weren't working". Sometimes, I would encourage the little men by saying things like "you can do it!"
I used to think that our toilets flushed directly into the local lakes, and so when animals drank from the lakes, they were drinking my pee
For some odd reason, I used to believe that all of the fluids that you drink go into the bladder, where there is a little man painting the fluid yellow as it passes.
When I was younger I didn't understand how males whiped themselves after peeing. I knew they didn't have the same privates I did, so I figured they must either just blot the tip of their penis with the toilet paper or wrap the paper around their entire penis to wipe. When I was eleven a friend with a brother told me they just shake it.
As a child i saw two younger siblings come home from the hospital. When i saw their umbelical cords i thought that was how they pooped before they were born, and after they were born they switched to their bottom.
i remember once when myyy family went camping my uncle told us that when he was little their mom told them that if they peed in the fire they'd wet the bed...i believed that until i was 14 and my boyfriend peed in a fire he had at his house...
I thought that if you had sex with a man that didn't really love you, he would be able to pee in you
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