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weeing and pooing

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Up until I was approximately 7 or 8 years old, I believed that each family had its own way of going to the bathroom, and our family's way was to pull your pants down. I had only been in the company of my own family and cousins in the bathroom, and it wasn't until a scouting expedition, when I was with other girls in the bathroom, that I discovered that everybody pulls their pants down to go to the bathroom.

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I used to beliieve that urine was stored in the scrotum. I guess I didn't consider where girls held theirs.

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This is actually my son's belief.He thought i used to pee out of my butt.One day in a public restroom,my son was standing back by the toilet while i peed(he was only three),he announced nice and loud for all to hear,Mom,you pee out your butt,just like a horse!Yes i stayed in the stall until the coast was clear

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I used to believe that brown people had brown poop and white people had white poop.

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A friend of mine told me about a girl who, when they were around 5 or 6, was utterly convinced that pee was actually lemonade, but only when it was a man's pee. This girl claimed to have seen a video of it, confirming her belief. my friend and I still laugh about this today.

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When I was a little girl, I believed there must be something that I thought of as a Turd Fairy. The Turd Fairy, I thought, was the one that put the biggest turds in the toilet that sometiemes showed up there when I went to poopoo or try to. That was because I was sure that my anus couldn't possibly open wide enough to let out the bigggest turds that I would see after I pooped. So it must take a Turd Fairy to put those biggest turds there, I thought.

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When i was little, i used to think tht you wee out of the baby hole..and that poop also came out there to, until i looked and it wasnt true

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I used to believe that teachers never went pee or poop. I used to think only normal people did. I believed this until my mom told me. I also found out went my math teacher said that even teacher need to pee and all of that.

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not sure how old i was... but i was still in junior school.. a group of us at school came to the conclusion that girls never learnt to go to the toilet... this was concluded from seeing tampon (and other such ladies products) being advertised on TV... we thought that they were nappies for women...

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I used to believe that ladies did wees out of their bottom

still not sure
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when i was a kid, we swam in a lake. My sister always told me that when you hit a warm spot, it was where someone had just pee. I believed her, and everytime i hit a warm spot, i swam as fast as i could in the other direction!

Paula S.
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To this day, I don't know if it is true, but after reading Silence of the lambs I thought your faeces changed colour as it hit the air coming out of you... Although I was 13 at the time it still fascinated me and I used to try and have a look. It was sort of like having a Gloal Hypercolour T shirt in your body. I don't look now.

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When Michael Jackson's vidoe for Thriller first aired I thought it was a horror movie(because it was quite long for a video). It scared me so much I wet myself, while sitting in front of the TV. The carpet was soaked. And the really bad thing was, I was at a friends house. I became the laughing stock of the neighbourhood for months after that.

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when i was a kid, i used to imagine that there was a wizard-like person that lived in my body, right above the bunghole, and he pushed my crap through this portal that radiated light, and everytime i held my poo, i imagined this wizard trying to use his magic to push it back out. You know, the dung would come pushing back up through the portal and this little wizard dude in this light green cloak chanted getting the turd out.

Weird, huh?

calipzo avery
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I used to be afraid of the blue toilet cleaner. When I peed in a toilet that had the stuff in it, i freaked out because the liquid in the toilet was green! I thought the toilet had put a curse on me!

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My little brother,Ethan,believed until he was like seven or eight(he's eight now) that girls pee out of their butts.He thuoght that since they didn't have a penis,there was absolutely no other opening pee could possibly come out of.Ok....

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I used to believe that there was no point in having a drink of water and then going to the bathroom. I thought you would pee out what you had just taken in.

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I'm a boy and when I was much younger I thought that everyone had a sac (which I latter found out was a scrotum and only boys had one) that stored their pee

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I used to believe that fat people were full of pee, and if they snagged themselves on something, they would spring a leak.

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I used to believe that if you held on to your wee/pee whatever its called, then you would pee for as long as it took you hold on.

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