belly buttons
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i used to beliveve my outie was an eyeball
I agree, when I was a kid showing your belly button was taboo it seemed. Had to becovered at all time and in fact they WERe aribrushed out of pics in store catalogues !
top belief!
I used to believe your belly button was a private part and they would have to block it out on TV like they do with other privates.
top belief!
My grandfather had all of us convinced that if we put our finger in our bellybutton and twisted, our legs would pop off
My mom told me that if i play wiv my bellybutton or anyone elses the knot would unbutton and come undone! i tryed chasing a girl mate i had when i was 5-6 and tryed untying hers!
I used to belive that my belly botton held my skin on that's why it was called a belly botton and if it came undone my skin would fall off.
My little sister who is now in her mid-twenties is not the brightest star in the sky. When we were in our early twenties I saw that she had some dirtyness in her belly button and asked her what it was and why it was so dirty. She said, " Oh that's just my umbilical cord." Apparently, she never washed out her belly button thinking that the nastiness was her umbilical cord. How gross is that?!
I used to believe that when someone pushed your belly button, your arms and legs would fall off.
When I was very young, my mother told me that if I didn't clean my belly-button in the bath, dirt would collect and potatoes would start growing out of it. I made sure it keep it nice and clean.
as a kid i thought that the people with outie bellybuttons got cut open and they had to get it sewn shut
My bellybutton is an innie, but my cousin had an outie, which totally fascinated me, as it was the only one I had ever seen like that. She is Japanese, and I assumed that all Asian people had outies, a fact that I became very jealous about since it seemed more interesting than my innie. Whenever I was around someone Asian, I would ask to see their bellybutton. After I was told that was a rude thing to ask, I would just try to get a sneaky look at it. I was shocked when I first saw a non-Asian person with an outie!
I used to believe that if you put a crumb in my belly button, it would go right to my stomach, when I was 3, I put a crumb of food in my belly button and thought it would poison my because it was on the floor. To this day the only thing in belly button is lint.
I used to pick my belly button when I was small and one time my brother told me if I kept doing that, it would pop off and rice would spill out and they wouldn't be able to stop it. I stopped poking at my belly button for a while after that. I still get nervous sometimes when I do, and try my best not to poke too hard.
top belief!
when i was about five, i was certain that if i put my hand over my "belly button" i could feel a small amount of air coming out of it when i breathed
top belief!
My mom used to tell me stories when I was in the bath about my Belly button disappearing down the plug hole and going on amazing adventures. I would be sitting with all the bubbles and she would tell me they were the clouds and my belly button would by flying in hot air balloons. I always used to get really scared when my belly button had to get back in time before I got out of the bath. I used to get really freaked when it met spiders and slimy pipes on the way back to me, mom always had to wash it well before I'd have it back!
Because I could not understand how a baby could come out where it does, I reasoned to my self that when babies were born they came out of the belly button because (of corse) babies grew in the stomach -with all the food.
i thought that there was a little town in my bellybutton, so i nevered thouched it.
top belief!
when i was 5, i thougt my outie bellybutton was a third eye that opens when im a sleep.
I remember in 4th grade i used to take a bath and i'd rinse my hair out with a bucket, so i'd dip the bucket in water and close my eyes and dump it on my head. Well one day i didn't close my eyes and i looked down (i was chubby btw) and i saw the water running out from my belly button. So during recess that day i told all the girls i was playing with that i knew what a belly button was for! The water runs out of there when you use too much during your bath or shower. When i got older i realized that the water was just running down my stomach.
My big sis told me that if I talked to my belly button, it might talk back. I was determined to see this. So on a frequent basis, I would lift up my shirt and start talking to my belly button. I tried drawing a face around it to see if it would come to life. I even tried feeding my belly button pop corn....never had any luck. But my belly button and I remain good friends. lol :)
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