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belly buttons

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I used to think that you belly button was an open whole at both ends and that theoretically, you could put something into it and have it come out of your belly button into your stomach. I kind of stopped thinking about it until I saw my wife's turn inside out when she was pregnant with our son. How naive am I?

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I asked my dad once if he was ticklish, and he said that if I poked him in the bellybutton he would "have kittens". I wondered what this had to do with the subject, but from then on I kept on trying to catch him unawares and poke him in the belly. I really wanted a kitten, and also I was curious about how my dad would "have" them. Would they come out of his mouth?

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I had an uncle that told me that we had belly buttons for putting salt in while we ate celery in bed.

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When I was little I used to think that newborn babies came out of the Mommy's bellybutton. Because the babies had a piece of the umbilical cord on their bellybutton it made perfect sense to my little person mind.

Dawn Marie
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I had a cruel older cousin who threatened that she could unravel my belly button with her finger and I would fly around the room like a deflated balloon. She convinced me that she had seen it happen at school, and she tortured me with the threat for years. I never asked mom if it could really be done for fear that she would find out and follow through with it!

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Once when I was about 3 or 4 my dad handed me the plug for an electric fan. I "plugged" it into my bellybutton and a breeze came through the window causing the fan to spin. For about a year afterwards I thought my bellybutton could produce electricity.

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i used to think that when u had a baby, it would come out of your belly button!

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When i was little my friend told me that her mum died because she kept picking her belly button and if u poke your navel you get cancer .. i have never poked my navel since.

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When I was a kid,I(for some strange reason) thought that my bellybutton was the knot that held my skin on.I thought that if the knot broke,or if I got a cut on my bellybutton,that skin'd pop right off.Of course I found out how stuid I was later,and fortunately I did'nt show anyone how stupid I actually was by speaking of the idea....a6t least until now..heh.

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When I was little my mom told me that 'thousand island salad dressing' was made by taking the belly button lint out of people's belly buttons on an island far away.

Sammy D
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I was told that when women were pregnant they would get so fat their belly buttons would pop out. What it actually meant was that their innies would turn into outies, but I thought they would literally pop off their stomachs and land on the floor. When my mom was pregnant with my younger sister, I would follow her around, looking for any belly buttons that landed on the floor. I also figured that the woman would give it to the baby and then grow a new one after the pregnancy ended. I figured that a mother only had a certain number to give to her children, since I am the fourth of five children and my mom never got pregnant (or showed her belly button) after my younger sister was born.

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I used to believe that belly buttons were where people were meant to be shot in Cowboys and Indians TV shows and movies

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I used to think that my belly button was where I was once shot and that the navel was a healed up bullet hole

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When my brother and I were little, whenever we saw a belly button on tv we would scream and hide our eyes. We thought it was some sort of private part. Like they were naked or something.

Private Belly Button
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When i was younger, i used to pick my belly-button all the time, until my um caught me one day and said that if i picked it anymore my stomach would open up and id de-inflate like a balloon. I soon found this wasnt true.

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When I was young my parents misled me into believing that there were creatures known as 'belly button monsters', and occasionally showed me dead specimens that had been washed out of my father's belly button after he had had a shower. At one point diagrams were even drawn of the creatures in an attempt to convince me. Why my parents did this I'm not sure, but to this day I don't trust belly button fluff, just in case it is alive.

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My mum told me that if I picked at the stuff that gathered in my belly button my umbilical cord will come undone and all my fluids will fall out. That petrified me until I was maybe thirteen, when I confronted my mum on how to get it clean if I couldn't touch it. She couldn't believe that I still believed her. I'm a rather gullible person, i suppose.

Margot Connolly
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someone said if you poke your belly button you will blow up

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When I was little I used to think that your parents could decide what sex you were by how close they they the unbilical* cord.

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I used to think that babies came out of your bellybutton :) hahaha

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