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belly buttons

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My aunt told me if I swallowed my tooth, then it will go all the way down and the tooth will stick out of my belly button.

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When I was a child, I was told by my mother that I shouldn't pick at my belly button because behind it was all of my "guts" and it would all come out one day if I didn't leave my navel alone.

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When I was younger I was fasincated with my dads belly button because it always had fuzz in it. He always told me that he had a fuzz factory in his belly button and had to empty it every day or else it would over flow. I always wanted my own fuzz factory until I realized that it was really from his shirt:s

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my childhood friend told me not to touch the bandage covering her new brother's belly button. if i did, she said, the baby would explode. i said that was ridiculous, and leaned over the crib to touch it as proof.
the baby farted, and i fainted.

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My grandpa always used to tell me that his friend Georgie lived inside of his belly button. I tried to find George in my belly button, but gave up. I figured only grandpas has Georges in their belly buttons.

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when I was little I thought I was watching a movie about my life through my mother's belly button. I thought that I was learning all sorts of things about life and when I was REALLY born I would grow up to be an incredible genius!

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i used to believe if your finger was in your bellybutton, you'd get smarter. i'd walk around everywhere i'd go with my shirt up with my finger in it. i still do it to be honest. people look at me like im a freak.

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My grandfather always told my sister and I that our bellybuttons were made by arrows when the Indians shot us. From then on I couldn't watch Pocahontas again until I was nine...

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I used to think ur belly button was attached to your (mens)... tools because whenever i pressed it my tool would hurt a bit.

Alex A.
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My Pop-pop has always been a troublemaker and a comedian in the family. I still remember he told me that if I unbuttoned my belly button, all of my guts would spill out. I was so scared to ever touch my belly button for a long time.

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Yes, I was under the impression that it would be possible to undo your belly button and see your insides. After much experimentation with trying to look inside my own belly button, I gave up.

A Wild Cowgirl
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I used to think belly buttons were a form of communication. When I met someone I liked, I would politely insert my finger into their navel and said hello.

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I used to believe that babies were born by the belly button stretching and then everting to deliver the baby.

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when i was about 3 or 4, i believed that my mom's belly button was a window for the baby. when she was pregnant with my sister, i kept trying to look in so i could see her.

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i used to think that if you pressed your belly button a baby would come out

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i used to believe that my belly button could dissapear and i was terrified it would to i used to check if it was still there, and i used to count all my toes and fingers to make sure they hadn't fallen off. i did all this right before i went to bed, and i still can't let anybody touch my belly button, it gives me the creeps

manda b
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I used to think my belly bottom was my "front butt" lol i know...stupid!

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I used to believe women stuck tampons in their belly buttons when they got pregnant so the baby wouldn't bleed or come out of it.

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When I was little, I believed that the belly button was simply a second mouth that you used to eat foods you didn't like the taste of. I could never get mine to work, for some reason...

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When I was a kid, I thought that belly-buttons on girls were really their future babies, and they grew out of their stomach when the girl was old enough to have children.

Ashley Nylin
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