belly buttons
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top belief!
i used to believe that when people had children, the babies came out through their belly buttons so when I saw my best friends belly button was "an outie" (it didn't go in the way) I thought she would never be able to have a baby! She was worried sick!
when i was little i used to belive that the belly button was a whole in your body and so i was terrified of having baths because thought water would get inside me through my belly button
When i was 2 or 3 i used to think that babies came out of your bellybutton so i would put tape of my bellybutton so i wouldn't have a baby.
I have an 'innie' and when is aw my friends 'outtie' i thought... oh my gosh... hes a freak!! and i told him i was worried b/c he had something growing from his belly buton but he told me what the difference was (I was 5)
when i was a kid my mom used to tell me that if we untied my belly button i would deflate like a balloon.
I am 30 years old and STILL KNOW that if anyone else touches my belly button, it WILL come unraveled! It won't kill me, but boy will it be uncomfortable! Unfortunately, my wife finds this hilarious and always tries to untie my belly button for me. Luckily, I'm able to make her stop by touching her throat right between her collar bones, which she thinks will make her throat collapse!
top belief!
Way back when, i used to thgink if u pressed your belly-button, u would turn invisable! i would press it, and run around in the nude[cause no one could see me]
For many many years when I was younger I used to be so affraid that one day my bellybutton was going to just come undone and that I would be left with a huge gapeing hole there and that you'd be able to see all my blood and guts, and my stomach, I was so terrified that "the knot" would come undone cos the doctor hadnt done it tight enough, and I'd bleed to death, until one day I said something to my dad, and he told me it was impossinble, but is it?! (JK)...
i used to belive if you poke your belly button to much your legs would fall off
as a little kid i used to believe that if i put my finger into belly button and push it even very gentle i will make a hole and everything inside my stoomach will come out and i will die. that's why i was very scared off touching my belly button.
when i was about 2 or 3 i used to belive a man lived in my belly button and if you got your nose to close to your belly button he would bite it off!
My sister used to torment me as all siblings do. Towards the age of 4 or 5, and she being 10..One way she did this was to chase me around the house with a screwdriver (not the real kind, just the lil tikes kind) and told me that if she put it in my belly button and start to twist it, I would fall apart. Needless to say, she won whatever fight we got in if she grabbed that screwdriver. Who wants to fall apart?!
I used to believe that if I stuck my finger far enough into my belly button, I would reach the inside of my stomach.
top belief!
When i was young, i used to think that babies were born by the mummy pressing her belly button when she wanted a child. I used to go around pressing womens belly buttons.
I use to think that if you open your belly button really wide you could see the inside of your stomach. The thought of that freaked me out so I never tried to see. I didnt realize the truth until I got older and figured it out by people telling me.
One day I asked my dad what a belly button was for and he told me it was for where a baby comes from. So for years I believed that when a woman was pregnant and the baby wanted to be born it woukld knock at the door (duh, ur belly button) and come wandering out (very tiny!) when you let it...
top belief!
My dad used to tell me that if I untied the knot which was my belly button, I would fly across the room like a balloon. I think I actually attempted it once out of morbid curiosity to see if he was telling the truth!
When my sister and I were younger, I told her that if you are in water, and someone else put their finger in her belly button, she would blow up! She would scream and scream everytime we were at the pool and I would come at her with my finger pointed and ready to go.
I used to believe that if u went for a bath or went swimming my belly button would fall out or was a plug to fill up my body with water
when i was about 5 my friend told me that there are certain green bugs that can crawl into your body through your belly-button and i still remember it sometimes and cover it:)
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