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belly buttons

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When I was little, I used to think that belly buttons were there because that's where the baby came out of.

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I used to believe that if you pulled on your bellybutton you were pulling on your intestines, which is probably because that's what it feels like when people do it to me. Which is why my brother used to torture me by holding me down and playing with my outie. To this day I can't stand it when people do that to me!

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I used to believe my outie bellybutton was a real button like one on a shirt. My sisters would tell me it can come off and be swapped out for another button. Both of them had outies too and since all of our bellybuttons looked a bit different, I believed them. I kept pulling on it and twisting it until i just gave up. I wished it was true tho.

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I used to believe I was pregnant because my bellybutton stuck out, I remember my momma having hers poke out before she had my sister and my bellybutton looked like hers, it was inside out and even had an indention at the tip of it. I was upset when I found out I wasn't gonna have a baby. My bellybutton is still an outie to this day.

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I used to believe my bellybutton had a finger pointing out of it. I had a megaoutie and it always stuck out further when I was stretching so i naturally thought something lived inside it. But once I got older I just realized it was an ugly bellybutton instead, lol.

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when i was little i didnt realize that some jewelry could only be worn if you had a piercing. i always thought my sisters belly button ring looked so cool and when we would go to the beach, i would always ask her if i could wear it. when she fell asleep tanning i even tried to take it from her. that didnt work out well...

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I used to think that if i touched my belly button it would unfold and my belly would be inside out forever.

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I used to believe that my bellybutton was like a little seal and if I prodded it too much, I would break through to my stomach. Even now, I'm still really nervous about touching my bellybutton even though I'm an adult!

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When I was 7 I believed my mother was capable of unscrewing my bellybutton and removing my legs.
She told this to me and a friend once because we kept getting of the couch when she was trying to vacuum.

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I used to believe that if your belly button came undone your skin would fall off!

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I used to believe when I was younger that there was a seed in ppl's belly buttons, and when they died the person would push it and a tree would come out of their belly button and their body would go in the ground so every time I looked like a tree I always thought of my dead relatives or something. I always cried when I saw that baby tree because I thought a baby died.

Kitty Kat
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When I was a little girl, I thought boys peed out of their belly buttons.

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My ex husband use tell me that if you're ever punched or poked in the belly button you would DIE!! That's horrible. The funny thing is...he's been believing this all his life lol

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I used to believe babies were born through the belly button.

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My mother told me "that's where the indian shot you". This must be a saying of sorts possibly from an old western.

Anon 2
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until about 20 minutes before i read these silly belly button beliefs i thought i could get sick from pressing my belly button...i used to press it a lot when i didn't want to go to school...all i got was a funny feeling in the tummy :(

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When I was young my dad was a P.E. teacher and the football coach at a local high school. He told us how important it was to exercise every day. I was about 4 or 5 and he told us a story about a boy in his class who never exercised. My dad said he tried to teach the boy to do sit-ups, but his bellybutton unraveled and the poor kid flew around the gym really fast like a deflating balloon. He was so serious and sad when he told us, and I thought it was true. I would even get out of bed at night time to do my sit-ups so I would stay in shape. I was so afraid of deflating and flying around the room uncontrollably.

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When I was little my grandfather told us your legs would fall off if you put your finger in your belly button and pressed firmly. My older brother terrorized us for a few years by chasing us around with his pointer finger ready to go when we were in our bathing suits. I always wanted a one-piece bathing suit.

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When I was six I walked in on my stepsister trying to pierce her bellybutton in the bathroom. I think she was twelve. She told me that if I told my stepmother what she had tried to do that Bellybutton Bob would come out of the toilet and steal my bellybutton when I flushed. Well, I told. I was so scared. My stepmother told me not to worry, but for a few years I would go to the bathroom and run. I was too afraid to flush. My stepmother did not appreciate it. Even after that I would check the shower first.

La La
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My parents would say eat your vegetables, they're good for your motor. So...of course I believed I had a motor, so I'd take my Dad's keys and stick them in my bellybutton to start my motor instead of eating vegetables. I did this until one day my Dad said, if you stick keys in your bellybutton your rearend will fall off. That's when I started to eat my vegetables.

Sherry T
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