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belly buttons

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I Used to believe that belly buttons fell off as you got older

C.K. Rowling
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I went to visit my best friend at her home a few years back. We were getting ready to go to dinner and I proclaimed that I wanted to change into a dress because my pants were making my belly button hurt. My friend asked me "What does it feel like?" I replied, "Like a pinch I guess." She then ran over to me looking at my belly button. Puzzled I asked her what she was doing- This is what she told me " Kevin (Her fiance) told me that when they cut your cord they put in one stitch, I already pulled mine out-Looked like on little thread. Somtime if its in there to long it starts to hurt, I bet yours needs to be pulled out." I nearly hit the floor laughing. I told her that I had already pulled mine out and that wasnt the cause of my pain. -I didnt have the heart to tell her. Sad thing is.... We are alot older than the age of a person you would expect to her this from lol

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You know those giant Bullet Bills from old Super Mario games that would blow up and try to hit you in slow motion? They had angry eyes, etc?

Well, when I was a little girl, I used to imagine that those bullets would be moving around in my stomach, etc and when they would crash against a wall -- it would cause the hiccups.

Curious Child
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When I was around 7 years old, I asked my mother what the Belly button is for. She told me "that's where the chord connects from a mother to her baby before it's born." I replied "But *I'm* never gonna have a baby? Why do I have one?" My mother didn't understand my question, and I started believing she didn't know what she was talking about.

Apparently, I believed that was the place the chord would eventually form, from the inside out.

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My friend and I told her little sister that her belly button was where her parent blew her up and tied the knot. Her sister was mortified and ran and asked her mom....

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When I was little, my sister told me that if I touched my belly button too much, it would unravel into my umbilical cord...i still dont touch it a lot. lol.

Belly buttons rule
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I have an 'innie' and when is aw my friends 'outtie' i thought... oh my gosh... hes a freak!! and i told him i was worried b/c he had something growing from his belly buton but he told me what the difference was (I was 5)

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When I was little I thought belly buttons would close up when you got older, but then one day I saw a guy with a beer belly, and found out that you'll always have them.

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I have been that if you don't clean your bellybutton it grows into a baby and you get a new one.

Brandon Alexander Cohen
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I used to believe that if you put a crumb in my belly button, it would go right to my stomach, when I was 3, I put a crumb of food in my belly button and thought it would poison my because it was on the floor. To this day the only thing in belly button is lint.

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When I was little, I used to think that belly buttons were there because that's where the baby came out of.

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Well, this isn't mine, but I had both of my daughters convinced that I could "take" their belly buttons and give them back. The older one was 4 or 5 when she finally figured out that I was fooling.

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Sadly to this day I won't let anyone poke my belly button in fear of them poking into my stomache.

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When I was little, my uncle warned me that my leg would fall off if I untwisted my belly button. I said, "It will not!" but then later, when I was alone, I carefully tried to untwist my belly button to see which leg would fall off.

Sarah Jean
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I used to believe that if u went for a bath or went swimming my belly button would fall out or was a plug to fill up my body with water

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I used to believe that babies were born by the belly button stretching and then everting to deliver the baby.

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id used to belive that there were belly button monster eaters

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I used to believe that the "outie" belly button shows that there is an egg inside you , and so when you had sex the belly button went in saying that you would have a baby-I was terrified when my cousin told my that! and when my belly button finally went in i was mortified!

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up until recently i thought if you messed with your bellybutton it would get red and infected and you would die. i thought this beacuse when i was 3 i kept scratching the inside of my bellybutton and i t get red, my mom put hyrogen peroxide in it "so it would get infected"

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I used to believe that if I could/would untie my belly knot, that there would be a hole there and I would be able to inside my body.

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