belly buttons
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When I was young my dad was a P.E. teacher and the football coach at a local high school. He told us how important it was to exercise every day. I was about 4 or 5 and he told us a story about a boy in his class who never exercised. My dad said he tried to teach the boy to do sit-ups, but his bellybutton unraveled and the poor kid flew around the gym really fast like a deflating balloon. He was so serious and sad when he told us, and I thought it was true. I would even get out of bed at night time to do my sit-ups so I would stay in shape. I was so afraid of deflating and flying around the room uncontrollably.
when i was 5, i thougt my outie bellybutton was a third eye that opens when im a sleep.
When I was 3, my Dad told me belly buttons were for filling with salt to dunk your celery in when you were eating it in bed.
Up untill the age of about 7 or 8, I was completly convinced that the reason we all have bellybuttons is because when God made us in his giant oven the way he knew that we were cooked was by prodding the middle of our bellys (like a fairy cake). It also explained the two varieties of bellybuttons; the innie and the outie. If you were not done then yoour bellybutton would pop out after being poked, hence outies.
If you were done then they would stay in.
Unfortunatly this belief was shattered when dressing my baby sister just after birth, I was most disgusted to fing a large brown 'worm' instead of a neat bellybutton.
I used to believe your belly button was a private part and they would have to block it out on TV like they do with other privates.
when i was 6 i went with my little sister (5) and my uncle and aunt fishing. my aunt had a belly button ring (that she didnt wear around kids) and when we weren't looking, she put a fish ook into the hole and told us that our uncle wasn't good at fishing and that it accidentally got stuck their. my sister was terrified but i pulled up my shirt when he would cast off (i wanted a belly button ring) my sister still is afraid of fishing.
When I was little I used to believe that if i picked the stuff out of my bell button, it would come undone and my guts would spill out. I am 23 now and still don't like anyone touching my belly button.
I believed, up until I had my first child, that the doctor actually knotted your babies belly button into an innie or an outie. I asked the doc to give my daughter an innie and was really embarassed to find out that that's not how it works!!!
Once my Mom confirmed that the improbable was true- that babies grow in the stomach of their mothers, I was most alarmed at the implications for how they "got out".
I was much relieved once I theorized that that was the purpose of our belly button and that it was, no doubt, simply untied, then retied after the baby was removed. O, if it were only true.
I use to believe that there were little men in your stomach, holding ropes pulling your belly button. If you had an inny you had strong men, if you had an outty, you had lazy men.
My younger sister had an "outie" belly button (I have an "innie"). I thought this was because her stomach was trying to push through her belly button and it would fall out. I spent many hours trying to push my sister's belly button back in when she was a baby.
When I was a pre-schooler, I was FASCINATED by my dad's belly button. I would always be tempted to poke my finger in there, but he used to warn me that there were TEETH in his belly button, and it would BITE me if I did it!
My dad used to go with his shirt a lot during the summer, and I, as a little girl, liked to lay on his chest.
He told me never to stick my finger in his belly button because something inside would bite the tip off.
I would not touch anyone's belly button (including my own) until I was much older.
Way back when, i used to thgink if u pressed your belly-button, u would turn invisable! i would press it, and run around in the nude[cause no one could see me]
My grandfather had all of us convinced that if we put our finger in our bellybutton and twisted, our legs would pop off
Well this isnt really about me this is about my brother. Well my brother was a really loud and crazy kid so my mom told him he was from planet nuna and he had a volume control inside of himthrough his belly button and when he got loud she would threaten to mute him and he would just cry and promise to be good.
I used to play with my navel as a child, and my mom told me if I didn't stop rubbing my belly button it would burst, and I would fly around the room!! That sounded terrific so I wound up rubbing my belly button raw until a sore delveloped. I was very disappointed.
when i was a kid, my mom told me that my belly button was a scar from where an indian shot me in the belly. fortunately she was able to sew it up...
when i was a little girl i had a really bad habit. i would take the eraser side of a pencil and stick it deep into my belly button and twirl it around. one day my dad caught me and told me that if i kept doing that my bellybutton would unravel and my innards would fall out. i didn't believe him though, and until this day i still have a major fetish for bellybuttons. i even try popping my innie into an outie!
I asked my dad once if he was ticklish, and he said that if I poked him in the bellybutton he would "have kittens". I wondered what this had to do with the subject, but from then on I kept on trying to catch him unawares and poke him in the belly. I really wanted a kitten, and also I was curious about how my dad would "have" them. Would they come out of his mouth?
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