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belly buttons

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when i was little i didnt realize that some jewelry could only be worn if you had a piercing. i always thought my sisters belly button ring looked so cool and when we would go to the beach, i would always ask her if i could wear it. when she fell asleep tanning i even tried to take it from her. that didnt work out well...

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When I was little my father told me that if you undid the *knot* that the doctor's made which later became your belly button that you would deflate like a balloon. Flopping around the room included.

daddy's little girl
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I used to think if you messed with your belly button too much, It would pop out and you would spring a leak.

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my mum told me that my belly button was where god had poked me to see if I was done and ready to come out the oven

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I remember being slightly confused and maybe a bit jealous that my 2 younger brothers had 2 belly buttons...while I only had one. I wish my parents had explained the difference between males and females a bit better... because then I would have known that the second belly button was a penis! I'm not sure why I thought it was a belly button...it was just the only logical explanation in my young mind!

only one belly button
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I used to believe that if someone put their finger in my belly button and twisted hard enough, my legs would fall off. This always made me terrified of my brother, I was nine, and he was thirteen, he always tickled me and I was scared he would be the death of me. He always goes for my belly button for some reason, lol.

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I used to believe my outie bellybutton was a real button like one on a shirt. My sisters would tell me it can come off and be swapped out for another button. Both of them had outies too and since all of our bellybuttons looked a bit different, I believed them. I kept pulling on it and twisting it until i just gave up. I wished it was true tho.

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I used to believe I was pregnant because my bellybutton stuck out, I remember my momma having hers poke out before she had my sister and my bellybutton looked like hers, it was inside out and even had an indention at the tip of it. I was upset when I found out I wasn't gonna have a baby. My bellybutton is still an outie to this day.

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i used to believe that playing with your belly button would lead to your insides pouring out

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when I was younger, my cousin never stopped playing with his belly button. my grampa once told him that if he continued doing it, his bum would fall off.

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My father had my brother and me convinced that if we unbuttoned our bellybuttons, our legs would fall off...for years, whenever I washed my bellybutton, I was so afraid that I would accidentally release the mechanism that held my legs on. My brother spent hours actually TRYING to unbutton his bellybutton, and was very disappointed when it didn't work.

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i use to bleave that a belly buttion was another mouth on my body and i will try to feed it

come on down and lets play tpir!
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I used to believe you could breathe through your belly button. I think this belief came from swimming lessons, where when I was doing the back float the teacher would say "Keep your belly out of the water" which I guess made me think my navel was like a whale's blowhole.

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when i was 2, i beleived that my belly button was a kind of organic fax machine for turning my inner-guts into cotton fluff which fed small animals that lived inside my anus. it was only when i got a girlfriend at 26 that i found this to be slightly inaccurate.

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When I was little, I believed that the belly button was simply a second mouth that you used to eat foods you didn't like the taste of. I could never get mine to work, for some reason...

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When I was little I used to think that your parents could decide what sex you were by how close they they the unbilical* cord.

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When I was about 3yrs, I fell asleep watching "The Wizard of Oz" after eating a lot of popcorn. My dad put a piece of popcorn in my belly button and suddenly woke me up, claiming I ate so much popcorn that it started coming out of me. For years I never had too much food, thinking that it would come out of my belly button.

miss irene
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i used to believe that if you didn't shower or clean your belly button in the shower or bath, a plant would grow from the accumulated dirt in your belly button.

i also thought that babies were born from a woman's belly button and wondered why men didn't have babies because they have belly buttons too.

sophie (age 18)
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When i was younger my friend told me that since i was a gilrl that i had a baby growing inside of me. and that if i pushed my belly button it would stop breathing and die. i beleive that theory for a long time until i relised it wasnt true S:

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I used to believe that when you pressed you belly button that you would instantly become fat(no affence to fat people)and then I finally knew the truth.....

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