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belly buttons

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I used to believe that my belly button was a door to another world, my dad told me that you could only get there if you had a big enough belly button. He told me if i ate all my food it would get bigger. Unfortunately my belly got bigger in the process, but my belly button got bigger too, so a 2p coin fitted in it, so it's been to another world.

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When I was little, I was always afraid to clean my belly button. I believed that if you stuck your finger in too far, you could get it stuck in your stomach, then all of your digestive juices would come out. Um yeah, I just stopped believing that last year... I had to try it out before I believed it.

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One day I was hanging out with my little sister and saw that there was dark stuff in her belly button. I asked her what it was. She replied, "What do you mean? It's my umbilical cord!" Apparently, she had not been washing the "umbilical cord" out of her belly button for the past 25 years cause she thought the built up funk was her umbilical cord. Gross!

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I thought that when everyone was born their stomach was actually just wide open. Then the doctor would take your stomach, put a twist tie on it, like the ties on bread, and your parents decided if they wanted you to be an innie or an outtie.
If you were going to be an innie, the doctor would just poke in your belly button! This lead me to think that if I wasn't careful, my stomach would just unwind and all my blood and organs would fall out!!

-Belly Button Boy
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When i was little i watched Denis the mennis... after that i thought that babys came from the bellly button..haha so did my brother.

Diana..AKA Rainbow!!
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I used to believe my bellybutton had a finger pointing out of it. I had a megaoutie and it always stuck out further when I was stretching so i naturally thought something lived inside it. But once I got older I just realized it was an ugly bellybutton instead, lol.

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I used to believe that our belly buttons were like the blow-holes on balloons, where God blew us up, then tied us off and clipped the excess. If it ever came undone, we would fly around the room like a balloon "plfffff"

Cheryl in Ohio
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I used to believe that my belly button might come untied and I'd deflate and die. For years I was always looking at my belly button and freaked out crying if it ever looked weird in anyway. I was always getting yelled at in class for sitting with my finger in my belly button all day.

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I used to believe that when God made you he would fit your skin around you and the belly button was where he twisted the skin closed and then tied a knot so your skin would stay on.

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Because I could not understand how a baby could come out where it does, I reasoned to my self that when babies were born they came out of the belly button because (of corse) babies grew in the stomach -with all the food.

Nicky RM
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My mother used to scare us into believing that she could make our arms and legs fall off by unscrewing our belly buttons, my brother and I were terrified of screwdrivers for the longest time.

Tormented Girl Child
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I used to believe that belly buttons were for putting the salt in while you were eating celery in bed.

David T
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I used to believe that I really could have "all I could eat", but if I got too full, my belly button would pop out!

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I thought that when I was born my Mum had selected the style of my belly button out of a catalogue that nurses could do. I was a bit cross coz with her because it was a sticky outy one.

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Once when I was about 3 or 4 my dad handed me the plug for an electric fan. I "plugged" it into my bellybutton and a breeze came through the window causing the fan to spin. For about a year afterwards I thought my bellybutton could produce electricity.

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When I was about 3 years old, I asked my sister, who is 5 years older than me, "Why are there lines on your belly button?" She told me that they were there because she could "grow" candy out of it. That night before we went to bed, she showed me her belly button and sure enough, there were pieces of candy in there. I think she finally had to tell me she was lying when she ran out of candy!

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As a child I believed that your belly-button was your "done spot". God would walk done the rows of babies waiting to be born, inspecting each one. If the baby was ready, he would push his finger into the stomachs and say "Your Done My Child time to be born".

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When my sister was about two or three, my mother told her she has an eyeball in her bellybutton, and she believed she could see out of it.
She used to lift up her shirt to get a better look at things.

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When I was young i used to think when a woman wanted to have a baby , she just pushed her belly button and in a glipse a baby appeared. Lol. When I was about 5 i wanted a baby to have a baby too so i kept pressing my belly button. I was rather disappointed when I never got one.

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I used to believe that babies came from your belly button, that the surgeon just opened it up and pulled the baby out (im not talking about a ci section)

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