If you play with your belly button your bottom will fall off
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: If you play with your belly button your bottom will fall off. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to belly buttons.my mother used to tell me if u poked your belly button your butt would fall off!
top belief!
Mum told me when I was little, that my belly-button held my bum on. she'd pretend to unscrew it and tell me my bum was getting looser. I used to run around the house screaming and clutching my bum! so cruel!
When i was younger a boy at school told me that if u unscrew ur belly button ur ass will fall off!! I told my older brother and he told me it wasnt true!
My stepbrother used to think that if you twisted your belly button your bum fell off and ran scared everytime it was threatened
If you push your belly button your bum would fall off
I used to believe that if you unscrewed your belly button (which of course you could do...?)... that you bum would fall off!!
My mother always use to tell me and my brother when we were kids, "Don't do anything bad, or i'll get the screw driver. You know what happens after that? I'm going to unscrew your belly button and your butt will fall off." So I tried my best to be a good girl (never was of course) and so did my brother. To her knowledge, her theory worked, until my brother got into trouble and she said that line. He gave her a look and said, "Not-uh! 'cuz I tried that and it didn't work!"
When i was a kid I always played with my belly button... my Mum told me to stop playing with it or else it would unscrew and my Bum would drop off! So I left the fluff alone!
This doesn't really fit into any of the bad habit categories, but I've got to confess.
I used to have a habit of picking the fluff out of my belly button whilst sitting watching TV.
My mum tried to deter me from this practise by telling me that if my constant fidgiting made my belly button loose, my bum would fall off.
All this succeeded in doing was keeping me rooted to the couch in fear that if I stood up, I may well leave my bum behind.
MY ex-girlfriend used to play with her belly button when she was younger...her mother told her that if u play with ur belly button ur bum will drop off. She still believes it to this day, you cant put ur finger near her belly with out her freaking out!
i used to think if i unscrewed my belly button my ass wud fall off
When I was a kid I used to play with my belly button all the time. Until the day my mum told me that if I kept playing with it, I would undo it and my arse would fall off.
i used to believe that if i unscrewed my belly button my but would fall off
My aunt had told me when I was about 5 or 6 that if you pressed your belly button your butt would fall off! I was terrified for years of anybody getting near my stomach.
my dad used to tell me if i touched my belly button my bum would drop off, and i believed him
I have a sticky out belly button and was always fiddling with it when I was young until my dad told me that if you pulled your belly button out your bum would fall off!
When I was little I had a fascination with my belly-button, but stopped when my mum told me if i didn't leave my belly-button alone, my bum would fall off.
My parents always told me NEVER to play with my belly button or my bum would fall off. To this day I cant bear my belly button being touched.. although I am pretty sure my bum wont fall off now.
An auntie used to tell use that if we played with our belly buttons too much are bums would fall off. This was because she didn't like belly buttons and thought it would stop us from playing with them. I don't think it did much good though.
if you fiddle to much with your belly button your bum falls off.
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