If you play with your belly button your bottom will fall off
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: If you play with your belly button your bottom will fall off.
As kids my brothers and I were told that if we pulled our belly button out our butt's would fall off. We spent HOURS trying. We could never quite get to them.
My dad once told me when i was little that my bum would fall off if i put a screw driver in my belly button and turn it three times. I thought it would be cool to have a detachable bum so i tried it and when my bum didn't fall off i cried because i thought my bellybutton was broken.
Mum told me when I was little, that my belly-button held my bum on. she'd pretend to unscrew it and tell me my bum was getting looser. I used to run around the house screaming and clutching my bum! so cruel!
I remember when I was little my daddy told me that if I didn't wash and clean my belly button that all of my arms and legs would fall off. He found me in the bathroom scrubbing my bellybutton and I had scrubbed it so much that the skin was raw and almost bleeding. Needless to say, he told me the truth after he stopped laughing.
my mom used to tell me that if you poke your belly button too hard, your butt would fall off... i didnt clean my belly button for YEARS
My dad told me that if i unscrewed my belly button, my bum would fall off. i beleived this till i was 10!
Fortunatley my parents are now paying for my therapist.
When I was about 5, my grandmother told me if I didn't stop poking my little brother in the stomach I could accientally unbutton his belly-button, and his butt would fall off. For 2 years I yelled whenever anyone approached our stomachs.
My Grandpa told me when I was younger that if you put a screw driver in your belly button and turned a few times...your butt would fall off! I have found in my late twenties it does not work...My butt is still there!
I used to believe that if i took a screw driver and unscrewed my belly button, by butt would fall off. It wasn;t until i dared my brother to try it 4 years later that i finally stopped believing it.
My parernts told all us kids that the belly button was a keyhole and if we found the right key and turned it, our bums would drop off. For years we all tried every different key we came across with no success. Now my own children are searching for that elusive key!
My mother also told me that while you were waiting to find the right key, you could use your belly button to hold salt or tomato sauce to dip your fries into.
When I was little, I asked my mom what would happen if I put a key in my belly-button. She told me that if I unlocked it my butt would fall off.
When I was 6,I used to belive that people had a baby that came from your bellybutton.When the bellybutton was pushed your butt would fall off and a baby would follow.
My dad told me that if i put a key in my belly button, my bottom would fall off! God knows how he came up with that one but i am still terrified if a key strays too close to my navel
I always beleived that your tummybutton held your bum on. My dad told me if you undid the knot your bum would fall of. Sure stopped me from playing with my tummybutton but put me into a panic if I saw other kids playing with theirs.
My sister in law just reaveled to me that when she was little she believed that there was a golden screw in your belly button and if you unscrewed it your butt would fall off
My sister told me as a little girl that if i played with my belly button too much my bum would fall off....how does that work?
My aunt told me that if you twist your bellybutton, your butt will fall off. I believed her, since my aunt wouldn't lie to me! I went to kindergarten and told everyone about it.
When i was little my Uncle told me that you should never stick your finger in your belly button because there is a know in there that holds your butt on. And if you messed around in there your butt might fall off.
i was told that if you fiddled with your belly-button too much, my bum would fall off.
I used to believe that if someone unscrewed my belly button, my butt would fall off
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