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eye sparkles ... the lil white dots of light that zoom around your eyes when looking at a blue sky.. or white piece of paper.. (actually caused by floating white blood cells)

I used to believe that they were spirits on their journey to a happier place. Eye sparkles still make me smile with childlike joy

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i used to be very proud of the fact that i can touch my eye with my finger and not be scared. My brother then, in an attempt to make me stop this, told me that if i touched it my eyes would melt. I STILL feel uncomfortable touching my eyes.

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The other day I was driving my 8 yr old daughter to school. We were talking about a comment someone had made about her long eyelashes and how it embarassed her. I made the comment "Ellen, most women would give a million buck to have eyelashes like yours." She got quiet for a little while, then said "Mom, I have THE BEST idea to make money. What if I made FAKE eyelashes for people!" "Then they could have eyelashes like mine and I can get rich!" She was so excited. I hated to have to tell her that fake eyelashes have been around a long time and she won't be getting rich anytime soon from them.

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My grandmother told me when I was little if you got doll hair in your eye you would go blind. She also said that if you played with a nail file long enough you could start a fire and burn the whole house down.

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When I was little, my cat clawed me across the eye. I freaked out and thought my eye ball was bleeding but my mom told me that was impossible because the human eye 'blink' is this fastest thing in the world and nothing could touch it.

I use to poke myself in the eye...a lot.

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Since all the smart people in the cartoons I would watch wore glasses, I assumed that my dad was smarter than my mom, since he wore glasses and she did not.

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As a kid, I couldn't understand how people could move their eyeballs around. When I looked in the mirror, they were always pointed straight at the mirror. I even asked other kids how they moved their eyes like that. They only looked at me with bewildered expressions, or infuriatingly rolled their eyes at me.

However, the flipside of this is that I didn't think people could tell I was looking at them if my head wasn't pointed straight at them. I was so sneaky.

This all fell apart when a teacher put me into timeout because I rolled my eyes when she told me to stop doing some stupid thing. At first I didn't understand what had happened. Over the course of my timeout, I pieced all this eye business together.

Shifty Eyed
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You know how you somethimes see those long little germy thingies floating across your eye when you're staring into nothing? Well, I used to think that I could magically see microscopic organisms and that I had some kind of super power. Anyway, I learned later that those thinga are just bacteria or sumthing floating across your eye, professionally nicknamed, "floaters" and that everybody sees them. o well...

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i used to belive that my eyes had unbreakable glass on them!`

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I have dark eyes and brown hair. When I was like 5 years old.. I saw my sister's friend in school, she had Green eyes. So I went to my mom after school saying: Mom!! I saw a girl today.. SHE HAS ROTTEN EYES!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was normal to have black, brown, hazel eyes.. but big green eyes!! i thought she was sick!

I was a stupid child I guess :|

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I used to believe that your eye was like a raw egg, and that if you poked your eyeball, it would run all over like the yolk of a raw egg.

Then my dad got eye surgery and had stitches across the white of his eye. The sight of it made me nauseous. I couldn't look at him until it healed.

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You know when you're wearing make-up and when you cry then it'd fall with your tears and stuff? Well when was like 5 or 6, my mom told me that when older girls cry.. their eyes would bleed, which really was the make-up. So for a few years I thought that was true until I watched this one cartoon.

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When I was 8, my brother told me that if I cried too much, I'd get conjuntivitis. It took me until I was 16, and had a real bout of conjuntivitis to realise he was full of it.

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When I was in Kindergarden I had a Friend who was Korean, and one time I asked him "Charles, why are your eyes so slanted?" and he whispered "Cause Im Korean" Now, I had never heard the word Korean before, and he was whispering, so I thought he was saying GREEN. and I was so confused, because he didnt look green to me! :-)

Jenn M.
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I was born brunette with brown eyes and dark hair, i thought people with blue eyes, had water in them.

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My mom would say i could poke my eye out with a pencil, and I thought that if you touched your eyeballs with any part of a pencil, your eye would fall right out of the socket.

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When i was about 9, there was a girl i was friends with in the grade above me. After the summer holidays, a new girl came to our school and was in her grade. They both looked very similar with the same blonde hair, except this new girl had rather weird eyes, they were big and had dark circles.
Anyway, i thought this new girl was my friend and her eyes had changed because she'd watched too much tv during the holidays and had gotten square eyes!

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I know... someone that used to believe that everyone who used a computer had to be wearing glasses at the time, and that when you turned 13 you were given glasses. Well both her parents wore them!

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top belief!

When I was 3 I used to believe that my eyes were broken because I couldn't see my face when I was looking at other stuff. I thought everyone else could see their own face along with everything else they were looking at.

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I used to believe that if I crossed my eyes they would get stuck like that.

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