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When I was young I used to believe that if I looked down my eyeballs would fall out. Needless to say I got a lot of bruises walking in to things whilst looking at the sky!!
top belief!
When I was younger, I realized that everyone has different color eyes. In the mist of my "realization", I thought that each person could only see that color. Ex: Blue eyes can only see the color blue, Green eyes can only see the color green and, so on. After some time of thinking about this, I remember looking around and thinking my eyes must be broken cause I could see every single color no matter where I was looking.
top belief!
One day, at about the age of six, I was being a pirate, complete with construction paper or something satped over one eye. My parents saw me and warned me that I should take that off, because if I didn't, I would soon go BLIND in that eye! I was horrified, took the patch off immediately, and after that was always careful never to have one eye closed for too long. If I thought I had kept it closed for too long, my solution was to close the other one for the same amount of time, so that if I did go blind, at least I'd be evenly blind in both eyes. ~_^ It didn't occur to me until I was about thirteen that this wasn't true, and trust me, up until then I had been very careful to even out my eye closage.
i used to believe that depending on your eye color, you saw things in a different tint... i asked my grandma what color she saw the sky and when it was the same i realized i was wrong.
when i was 6 i thought people picked there faviort coler and there faviort color became there eye color becuse my favoit color is bule and i got bule eyes.
My son was convinced for some time that people with the "crazy eyes" (the ones who wore contacts that were all white or had Xs on them, etc.)were actually removing their eyes and putting new ones in. He asked me several times how old he had to be before I would let him change his eyes!
As a child I always wondered why I could see everyone else's face and not mine.
top belief!
When my mom would say that my eyes were bigger than my stomach I thought she meant it literally.
My sister was told at a young age that if you crossed your eyes and someone hit you on the back, that they’d stay that way. Fast forward fifteen years at her high school graduation party when she found out that my mom was pulling her leg. Her friends still tease her about that. (So do I!)
I used to believe that every person saw colour completely differently. So, what looked like yellow to me actually looked like purple to someone else.
I really wanted to know about the colours that other people could see. I was kind of obsessed.
I used to believe that if you crossed your eyes too many times, that one time they really would daty that way!
When I was in elementary school I read a story about making wishes on loose eyelashes. I wanted to make lots of wishes so I pulled out my eyelashes so I could use them to make wishes. My mom had to take me to the doctor because I got little scabs on my eyelids from pulling my eyelashes out.
I used to think that, if I stared at the sun, I wouldn't have to squint when I got older, so I wouldn't buy wrinkle creams for my face. I thought that eye doctors just wanted you to think that starring at the sun would damage your eyes.
top belief!
I used to believe that when my mom removed her glasses she was totally blind. Imagine my horror each time she took them off while driving and asked me to clean them! My hands never moved so fast!
My mom would say if we kept crying our eyes would get smaller and smaller until we didn't have anymore!
I used to believe that the reflection you see in the other persons eyes when you talk to them were actually angels living in their souls.
I use to believe that if you sneezed with your eyes open that they would fall out.
I used to think they word eybrows was eyebrowns because most were brown... until jr. high, when I saw someone with blonde "eyebrowns".
top belief!
Whenever i saw the shows with people crying, i notiuced that womens tears always dried black. It took me a while to understand that it was their mascara and not their actual ears.
i used to think, up until i was about 12 that the blind spot in have in your car was an actual spot in your eye that you coulnd't see out of. i found out when my neighbor's mom was talking about how she coulnd't see a car because of her 'blind spot' and i told her i didnt have one... hehe
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