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You know when you're wearing make-up and when you cry then it'd fall with your tears and stuff? Well when was like 5 or 6, my mom told me that when older girls cry.. their eyes would bleed, which really was the make-up. So for a few years I thought that was true until I watched this one cartoon.
I didn't realize when I told my young son that I had eyes in the back of my head that he would actually believe it! It wasn't until he was about 8 years old and actually saw my scalp that he admitted he had believed me the whole time! He was angry at me for lying to him!
i used to believe that the colour of your eyes was all to do with nature. i had a few freinds who had blue eyes, some had green eyes and some had brown eyes like me. and i thought that when people were born they had no colour in their eyes, so people with brown eyes and hazel eyes had earth put in their eyes, people with blue eyes had sky put in their eyes, people with green eyes had grass put in their eyes and people with grey eyes were people whose eyes had been forgotten to be filled in.
I don't know why, but I thought that the blinking of your eyes was what allowed you to talk.
When I was younger my mum told me that if I the wind changed whilst my eyes were crossed they would stay like that forever
When I was a child, I used to believe that snipers hade hawk eyes because all say "you have a good eye", but they have telescopic sight
I used to believe that u had a crying reserve in ur eyes, and when you cried, you were running out of crying water, so one day you would run out of crying water and couldnt cry no more
I used to think that if someone was hit in the temple hard enough, thier eye would pop out.
I used to think that when you got some small piece of crud in your eye that it didn't fall or get washed out eventually, it just went into some kind of small repositoiry inside the eye socket and it stayed there your entire life. Not unreasonable for a kid to think that since you hardly ever see what was stuck in your eye even afterwards, do you? I figured if the thing ever filled up then you would really be in for serious eye injury since there would be no place for the next thing that got into your eye to go.
I used to believe that all boys had brown eyes and all girls had blue eyes, because in my family of 3 females and 3 males this is how is it was.
My mom would say if we kept crying our eyes would get smaller and smaller until we didn't have anymore!
I have brown eyes, but my younger sister has blue eyes. When she was born I used to believe that there eas a store for me to have my eyes color changed. So there was I time I kept on asking my mother to take me there so I could have blue eyes.
My parents told me that if I got hit in the head while I was crossing my eyes they would stay that way
I used to believe that if you crossed your eyes too many times, that one time they really would daty that way!
My sister told me that if you ripped out an eyelash or one fell off your skin would change color and that is why some would have really white skin, and why some had dark skin
My grandmother told me when I was little if you got doll hair in your eye you would go blind. She also said that if you played with a nail file long enough you could start a fire and burn the whole house down.
When angry with my mother, I would hold my thumb close to one eye and close the other. Voila, Mom disappeared!
I used to believe that if I covered my eyes, people wouldn't be able to see me. *Covers eyes..* "Can't see me cause I can't see you!"
I used to believe cameras had eyes behind the lens. I believed this until I was 8 and my mom dropped her camera and broke it.
One time when I was on a family trip we were in the car and we pulled out in front of a cop car. My brother told me that there were eyes in the back of my head and that the police man was onto me and was going to take me to jail because of the eyes in the back of my head. I whole-heartedly believed him and cried the rest of the car ride. Let's say it was a memorable trip.
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