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When I was little I thought that if you watched too much TV your pupils would turn into squares.. I used to weep everytime a movie was put on because I was convinced that if I watched the entire movie my eyes would become square.
when i was a kid i used to think that people saw things in different colours... what I call orange may be different than what you'd call orange.. maybe what I call orange you call blue.. This was my only explination as to why everyone's favourite colour wasnt purple: we just called the same colour different things.
My dad told me once that my eyes were turning square from watching too much tv. He held my head to the window, and carefully examined them, indicating the square edges in front of me.
I spent hours looking at them in my mirror, trying to see the square edges. Took me about a month to realise he was not being entirely truthful :D
when i was about 7 my sister told me that people in her class used to take their eyeballs out, she refused to tell me how to do it though!
I used to believe that people with brown eyes saw the world in a more brownish way, and people with blue eyes saw the world in a more blueish way and so on, if you understand what I mean. ^^,
When I was little, I used to think the floaters that you see in your eyes were bugs or worms flying in front of me. I would swat at them trying to make them go away. I got alot of weird looks from people.
I used to believe that my grandma took her eyes out every night and put them on the nightstand. In the morning she would put them back in. I was convinced because one morning I asked my mom if I needed to wake up grandma and she told me, ""Oh, she's awake, she's just putting in her eyes."
Apparently that phrase meant glasses.
I used to believe that if we cried too much, our body would run out of water. So whenever I cried a lot, I would hurry and drink a glass of water.
I used to think eyedust was made by people who lived in your eyes and made buns.
My mom used to tell if I crossed my eyes too much they'd stick that way. I stopped doing it in front of her but then I used to do it so much that it now gives me a headache.
Whenever I saw the little "floaters" in my field of vision, I used to think I was
seeing air molecules. I thought I was probably the only person who could.
when i was little, i thought that boys didn't have eyelashes, only girls did. it freaked me out when i realized my older brother had them, too.
I used to believe that if I was looking at something no one else could see it - what I could see was taken up by my eyes and other people would see a blank spot where I was looking!!
I believed that my pupils would become heart-shaped when I met my "true love." I was unsure of how I'd know, however, because if I checked in a mirror (thus, no longer looking at my "true love"), my pupils would become round again.
My eyes are brown and when I was 4 or 5 I wanted to have blue eyes. My aunt told me once that my eyes would only turn blue if I drank orange juice everyday. I hated it, but I made an effort. Nowadays I'm 24 and my eyes are still brown.
If ever I touched one of my eyes, even through my eyelids, I used to then touch the other one, exerting exactly the same pressure, to "level them up"!! I had this weird notion that they were joined behind my face and used to lie awake worrying that if I pressed one eye too much, it would disappear into my head and the other would 'pop out' - no, I have no idea where this came from either.....!
when i was little i believed that in each of my eyes there was a fat man and a thin man and they used to bake pies and that was the sleep in my eyes and they would have competitions and stuff...
haha i was so weird back then !
I believed that your eyes could wear out. So every night before I went to sleep, I tried to remember if I had winked or looked at something through one eye only. I would then close the "overused" eye and leave the other open until I felt they were even. That way, when I was old, they would burn out at the same time.
When I was about five your so, I used to think that your eyes could see to a certain point, then everything would be black. When you move, this "orb of darkness" would follow you, so you could still see. If you were farsighted, you had a big sphere. If you were near sighted, then you could only see about three or four feet in front of you, then there would be nothing but black. I wondered how nearsighted people could drive. Somehow, glasses had the ability to cut through this wall of black, and I could never figure out why farsighted people wore glasses.
I used to think that everyone sees colors differently, but calls them they same thing. For example, what I see as blue may look green to someone else, but we all call it blue because that's how we learned it.
Then, a few years later, I learned about light waves and frequencies and all that fun stuff.
But I still think my theory is cooler.
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