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when I was a kin I used to think people that "sold themselves on corners" actually sold parts of their bodies to people who didn't have any. Imagine my surprise when I found out the truth!
top belief!
You know sometimes when you are laying down at night, and it is quiet you can hear the blood pumping in your ears? I used to believe it was the sound of trapped bugs that had flown into my ear, marching around, looking for a way out.
I used to think that when my arm would fall asleep that it was raining inside my arm
top belief!
i used to believe that my feeling lived in my knee.
so naturally,when ever some one said their feelings were hurt, id go run and grab a [patterned] bandaid, and put it on their knee.,
or if i couldnt reach their knee, on their shin.
weh i was little at night when i was trying to fall asleep i could hear my heartbeat and i thought it was a tiny train going through my head from one ear to the other
top belief!
When i was younger i used to think that boys werent born with penises and that when they turned 13 they had to go to hospital to get one put on (this theory was thought of because when my brother was 13 he had to get an operation done on his. i thought he was just getting one put on) This also followed up by me thinking that if you wanted a baby girl youd just not take them to the hospital at puberty and that you just called them baby until you decided what gender you wanted.
When I was little, I had a dolly whose head fell off, then coinsidently, my mum had an ornament whose head fell off. It must have really scared me because from then on I walked around with my hands on my head because I guess I believed my head would fall off if I didn't hold it on.
when i was younger i knew the brain was pink but i always thought that when you got a headache your brain would turn grey.
oneday my dad caught these huge fish and cleaned them by the porch then a few days later when the space shuttle blew up and people were finding body parts of the astronouts (sp?) i was playing outside and when i saw the fish scale, i screamed and told my dad that i found one of the people's finger nails and he started freaking out until i showed him and he just laughed at me.....hehehe
wen i was young i used to think that when you broke your leg it fell completley!I thought they had too sew it bak on at the
i also thought that if you got run over you were flattened like a pancake....
My fingers got squashed a couple times when i was very little, and so I knew that it made you cry. I would bite my baby dolls' fingers, because that's how I got them to cry, and then I would shush them.
When my parents brought my little brother home, he looked like a baby doll to me ... and yes, he certainly did cry like my dolls did. But he wouldn't shush like I wanted him to, and I got in DEEP TROUBLE for biting him!
I used to belive you couldn't stop growing until you were bigger than godzilla
When I was younger I used to think there were lights in my body because people would always say, "I'll punch your lights out." So one day I asked my mom, "Do we have lights in our body?"
i used to belive that i had THREE tubes @ the back of my throat. 1 4 food, 1 4 air and 1 for drink. i would try & see which tube the food & drink went down but just got confused wen they seemed 2 go down th same way. & of corse if something went down the wrong way food went down the drink hole and drink went down the food hole.
i was told by my grandmother that if i fell over onto my bottom, the triangle at the base of my spine would break and i would grow a tail.
top belief!
My dad used to name different "tickle" areas: underarm was a "twillie", behind the knee was a "twasco", and side was a "hambone." I was seriously 14 before I realized no one else called them as such. I'm sure I got a few puzzled looks when I would tell people to quit touching my twillie.
top belief!
I used to think a clitoris was some sort of dinosaur.
my baby sister used to have large boobs and when she would wear shirts it would look as if she only had one huge boob that ran across her whole chest. i didnt know that they were two separate boobs... haha.
I tried to wrap my head around "where babies come from" at an early age...too young, I suppose to understand the legitimate process, so when I asked my mother about it, she said all babies are little angel gifts from God. I spent the first six years of my life convinced that my two shoulder blades were wing stubs...the portion of wing that remained when my wings rotted off.
top belief!
I use to get really sea sick and puke on boat rides. My dad said when I got my "sea legs" it wouldn't happen anymore. I asked him how will I know I have sea legs? And he said "when I get hair on my legs". Now at 30, I have some damn hairy legs that I shave daily and I still puke on boats.
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