i used to believe

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I used to believe that the bone on my wrist was a tumor. I discovered it there when I was in first grade and was afraid to tell the teacher, afraid I had cancer.

:P Nah_nah!
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The very first time when I was old enough to use the toilet myself to do the "number 2", I looked at my hips and they were so huge that I thought there was a baby inside each of my hips!

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when i was younger, i used to believe that your lungs were like trampolines and that people had to jump up and down to make you breathe. I felt very sorry for them and would try to hold my breath for as long as possible to give them a rest. It was only until real biology lessons that i learnt the truth.

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once when i was about three, i was having a temper tantrum in my room and kicked my shoes off. the skin on the bottom of my feet were peeling, and i was freaked out because i thought i broke my foot.

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As a small child, I believed that a second set of arms would grow from one's 'underarm.' As I grew up and noticed that no one had two sets of arms, I was convinced that the second pair must grow very quickly and that first pair would fall off in my sleep and disappear.

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I used to think that when you had an itch, that a unicorn was flying around the inside of your body and its horn was poking you.

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I used to belive that if you lost a sewing needle somewhere like on your bed it would get in you and flow through your bloodstream and strike you in the heart

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For some reason I used to believe humans were made out of toothpaste

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My little sister (by 2 years) believes that there are lots of tiny men in our body.She thinks that they wear little hard hats and dungarees and control all our bodily functions. She seems to think the same obout the toaster and the oven and the radio....?!

*the litle men are taking over!!!!*
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Remember Etch a Sketch?
Well, when I was about 4 years old, I was sitting on my dad's lap, playing with an Etch a Sketch. When I was finished with my design, I shook it to clear the picture, and hit my dad in the chin with the corner of the Etch a Sketch. He said "Ow, look what you did"!, and pointed at the cleft in his chin. I thought for the longest time that I had put a dent in my dad's chin!

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I used to believe that when there was static on the tv, it would be showing the inside of your body.

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I used to think that "ass" meant "penis" for some reason. My best friend in 3rd grade told me that she used to have really long hair--"down to [her] ass". I was really confused and said, "You don't have an ass." She looked at me really strangely.

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i used to believa that when someone said "youve got potatoes in your ears" i used to actually think i had a field of potatoes growing in my ear

martha muffin
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When I was 4 or 5 people used to tell me that I had a little and pretty nose and ask me where I got it ,my mom used to reply "from the bakery"!! I really belived her and when I used to hold my litte baby brother , I used to stare at his face and think about his nose whether he got it from the same bakery that I got mine from or not !!!

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i used to believe that my brain was where my tricep is, i am quoted to of said "look how big my brain is" and point at my bicep i believed this until i was 7

peter scott from england
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When my brother was about 4 years old I told him there was a tribe of aborigines who hunted people for their big toes because there was poison in the toe that they used to tip their spears. He insisted on wearing his shoes to bed for a while after that.

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My mother told me that the tooth fairy would only come if I brushed my teeth.

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You know when your older sibling piches your nose and says "i got your nose!!!" well when i was 5 my sisiter did that to me once, and i started to sufficte. She "gave me back my nose" and asked me why did you do that? You scared me! I said "You had my nose i can't breath without it!"

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I used to believe that I had a carekeeper in my stomach. Everey time I ate, he took care of the food and put it in jars and then storaged it in shelves down there...I could really see him, he wore a hat, had a big belly, he had a mustasch and he yorned when he got hungry. I donīt know why I believed in such nonsens. No one told me, I just made it up my self.
Now days I know itīs not true....

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My 4 year-old cousin thinks that any area of your head above your eyes(both internal and external) is your brain, so when she saw that I had a small scar on my forehead, she thought my brain had split open and she was very upset.

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