i used to believe

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when i was first born , the first thing my nice bro said about me was,"I really don't like her dicky-bird," He was talking about my umbillical cord[and his penis]

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When I was little I believed little men and little women worked inside my body to make everything work.

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when i was little my grandfather had me convinced he had dropped his thumb(lost in a welding accident)and would have me looking all over the house for it. another popular story he told was that he had fought with a bear, and while turning it inside out, got his thumb bit off.

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When I was little, I believed that your voice box was your adam's apple, and a literal box in your throat. I figured the bigger the box, the louder you could yell. I also thought that cats didn't have voice boxes, but they had purr boxes instead, because you could feel the purr in their throats.

Voice in your head
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When i was younger i once got a mosquito bite on my arm. I thought that inside the bump were little baby mosquitos that would live inside my body. i was so scared i cried.

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i used to believe that babies had no mouths because they couldnt talk

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I had a book that explained the human body but I couldn't read then so I only looked at the pictures. The pictures has little people running your body.. like little people had on ear-thingies and lots of mini computers in the brain. Also the bloodstream was a highway with mini cars that ran through... so I thought they needed gas for the cars so when it was cold I'd try to eat my own breath 'cause you could see it and it looked like exaust from a car. Also I talked to the mini people in my head with ear-thingies and compters.

Cars need fuel too!
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Until I was about twelve, I thought the cervix was your adam's apple! I quickly got this idea trampled in health class one day when I blurted out, "Oh my god, women have TWO?"

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When I was very yound, my foot fell asleep for the first time, but I thought it was sand in my shoe, so I took my shoes off and dumped it out, then put it back on. But there was still sand in it. I did this several times and didn't realize what it was for years later.

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When i was 2 1/2 or 3 I was drinking water out of a translucent plastic cup and couldn't understand what the 10 pink dots that i could see from the indide of the cup. Every time I put the cup down they dissappeared. It wasn't for several years later that I realized in retrospect that they were my fingers

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top belief!

When I was little, my big sister told me that noses werent always there, and they came to be when people started flicking each other in the spot, and a bump formed.

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I was always very confused about the circulatory system. When i was a little kid, i thought the body was blood, bones, and skin. The blood just floated and sloshed around. So when people stood up fast and said the blood rushed to their head, it was just sloshing up again. When you burped, the bubbles from the sloshing blood were rising up.

In later years, we learned about blood vessels and arteries, i thought the body was just full of tubes of blood. So i took a pair of safety scissors and slashed up on of my hands. The rest of the year i thought my teacher was an idoit and that I was the only one that realized that it couldnt all be tubes or else how could my hand have bled?

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I used to believe that a unibrow was one eyebrow above one eye and that there was nothing above the other eye. I used to think that a double chin is what we commonly refer to as a "butt" chin.

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my dad has fat rolls in the back of his neck. me and my lil bro, years ago asked him where they came from and he told us that one nite while he was at a frat party, someone played a joke on him and put a snake in his beer can and then he drank it and it went to the back of his neck.

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When I was a little kid I used to think that there was a river in your stomach. I thought that when you ate your food, the food just floated down the "river", and then if it goy stuck under a "bridge", that made you have "bathroom problems". When I went into 2nd grade I learned that wasn't necessarily true and that we chew up our food before you digest it.

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When I was around 4 or 5, I asked my one-legged older cousin where his other leg was. He told me he had fought with a shark, which bit it off. I believed that right through to my teens.

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when i was young my borhter told me that he learnt in biology that people had genes in them. Not understanding, i thoguht everyone had a mini pair of jeans inside them. my brother never let me live it down!

emabarrased sister
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i used to believe that i was normal until this year when i figured out my elbows, fingers, sholder, and knuckles were all double jointed

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I used to believe that you had two different colours of blood, Red and Blue because I was so sure I heard my babysitter say that.

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I used to think that my body was just a huge skin-bag that contained my blood, which was the only thing inside of me. I thought this because i bled no matter where i got cut. I didn't know anything about capillaries

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