i used to believe

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I was about 5 when I heard my uncle was coming for a visit. They said he had a broken arm. I cried and said I didn't want to see my uncle because I imagined his arm was just hanging there all broken and mangled.

Film Girl
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When I was a kid, I believed that when you got older your teeth fell out. I knew so many older people had false teeth that the assumption I made was that they must just fall out as you get older, like when you lose your baby teeth when you're a kid. Let me tell you I was VERY relieved to learn that regular brushing, flossing and trips to the dentist would keep my teeth in place.

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My brother used to tell me that the green line on the toe of his sock smelled like mint. After he made me smell his toes and I didn't smell mint he told me everyone else could and there was something wrong with my nose!

elizabeth e
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I used to believe that my father had a hole on the bottom of his chin, because when he ate breakfast cereal he would eat it so fast that the milk would run down his chin and you couldn't see it till it was dripping off of his chin. Making it look like the milk was running right through his chin.

Jimmy Neutron
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When I was young, my loving grandmother told me that if I didn't get all the water out of my ears after a bath....I would grow potatoes in my ears. Needless to say, I spent hours "drying off" in the bathroom after a bath.

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when i was five i used to believe that in your body there were good germs that built walls of the food that you ate to stop them from drowning in the liquids that you drank.

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I believed in a South African version of the toothfairy. The toothmouse. The mouse would come and get the tooth out of my shoe when I wasn't looking. Leave some money to pay. He used the tteth to build a tooth-castle. Anyway, one day I was looking for something in my mom's cupboard and found the stash of teeth. I fell down on the bed and started to cry. I cried until she came back from work. I was heart broken.

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I called every body part my elbow. For example if my leg hurt I would say my elbow hurt.

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I used to think that a shin was the pelvic bones that stick out. I thought it was strange that people and books always said that someone banged ther shin because I never did and it was a strange place to bang. I found out when I was in High School and everyone had a good laugh!

elizabeth e
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When i was a kid around 9 -10 i was told i was a air head and that my grandmother could see light through the other side of my head (ear) one day at school i seen a little beam of light on my desk and thought the light was coming through my head (ear) lol little did i know that it was the light from the window next to me...

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I always believed that the thin dark line that ran from my belly button down to my whatsit was the line the doctor followed when he cut you to get the babies out. I later figured it was a birthmark.
I am pleased to say he cut the other way.

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As most parents do, mine told me I was dropped on my head as a baby. Throughout my life I had often told people in conversation that the doctor had dropped me on my head unaware of the fact that my parents had told me that as a joke. I didn't relize this until I was in eighth grade.

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When I was a child, I knew that I ran faster with my head down and my eyes closed. This belief (which was really a visceral reality) eventually led to my veering off-course during an indoor race with a friend and splitting my head open like a cocoanut when I was about 4. The scar still looks great, however, all of 30 years later.

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i used to beleive you had to wear socks or your shoes would eat your feet.

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When I was seven, one of my friends had only one arm (she was born this way). I used to believe that there must be some way - magic or medicine - to make her other arm grow normal overnight.

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my little cousin used to think that my sister had to wear braces, or else her teeth would fall out!

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For some unknown reason, I went through a phase as a very small child during which I thought there was a disease that made it impossible to separate your hands from each other after clasping them together.

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My friend recalled this childhood trauma:
One evening, after her bath, my friend noticed something in the mirror. She screamed and cried, and when her mother came in to see what the matter was, she exclaimed that her bottom was broken. I imagine it was difficult for her mother (through the hysterical laughter) to explain to her what a butt crack was.

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I use to believe that a birthday suit was a actual suit and when my sis looked into the upstairs window she said it looks like Rich is in his birthday suit and then i said i want to see his birthday suit. Man that would of ruined my life! lmao

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When I was a kid my parents told me that if someone stepped over you, then you wouldn't grow. So every time someone did that to me, I would yell at them and say "STEP BACK OVER! C'MON, I WON'T GROW IF YOU DON'T!" I'm really tall now, like 6' 3". Guess it wasn't true after all.

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