i used to believe

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top belief!

This is a belief that a friend of mine had right up into her early twenties. We were talking about how little lizards or as we call them in Australia "Gecko's" can loose or let go of their tails if something grabs them by it and then grow another tail. I said wouldnt it be good if scientists could work out how they did it and somehow humans could do the same thing if we lost an arm or a leg, my friend burst out with "but I thought that we could grow back our arms or legs if they got cut off" no wonder everyone called her dilly Lee.

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top belief!

My dad and the guy next door had both lost a finger in separate accidents before I was born. I remember thinking that all men, when they reached a certain age, had one of their fingers fall off.

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top belief!

I used to believe that we had Duracell batteries in our rib cages.

I once asked my mom when our batteries would run out. She admitted that she was unable to answer the question.

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top belief!

My dad had a large scar running down his back from his waistline down. He told my brother and I he got it when he tried to pick up a heavy box without bending his knees and his back split open. It was years and years before I realized that's not how it works.

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top belief!

After learning that every person has a soul, I wondered where in the
body it could be located. Every body part seemed occupied. I finally
concluded that the chin was the only part without a function, so the
soul had to be housed there!

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top belief!

I thought I had a family of frogs in my belly...I think this belief came from the expression "frog in your throat", and I thought they must have moved down in to my tummy to live.

They liked to eat oyster crackers.

Kirk Israel
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top belief!

When I was young, I got in an accident and ended up with a CT scan. My dad told me that if I wasn't careful, he'd have to get my more brain fluid at the local drug store.

For years, I believed that brain fluid was available in a glass jar at the Walgreens down the street. We baffle other children all the time with that one now.

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When I was little my mother would not let me wear socks to bed. She believed it was bad for your circulation. I suffered many a winter night with cold tootsies well into early adulthood. Now my mom doesn't even remember this notion and frequently wears socks to bed, as do I.

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top belief!

I used to believe that my heart was in my butt. This is because when I was very little and would fall down, my great-aunt, who took care of me most of the time, would set me back on my feet, pat my behind and say, "Bless your little heart!"

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I used to eat alot at meal time and people would say "He's got a hollow leg." It wasn't until I was 11 that I figured out I really didn't have a hollow leg.

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top belief!

I used to believe that one foot was better than the other. The sheets on my bed were always messed up in the morning because my feet had been fighting during the night trying to prove that one was better than the other.

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top belief!

When I was in the 7th grade my best friend told me something he had believed when he was little. He thought your Adam's apple was a little bucket on a track. Whenever you swallowed, the bucket filled up with food at the back of the mouth, went down, and dumped it before going back up ready foor the next load.

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When I was in 3rd grade make a sarcastic kind of joke that no one really got. She said well maybe if your veins are blue that your blood is blue too until it touched air and turned red. And i believed that until I was in the 10th grade and my bio teacher told the class otherwise. And when she asked how many other people believed blood was blue about ten other people raised thier hand. We all wanted to kill that teacher that day.

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top belief!

As a small child, I was practically blind, having "lazy eye" (which means that I was amblyopic) and being quite far-sighted - in other words, I couldn't focus on close objects, so I had never seen myself in a mirror. At the age of five, I underwent two eye surgeries, one for each eye, to correct my bad case of the cross-eyes. Once that healed, I was fitted with glasses to correct my far-sightedness. I could see! Upon returning home, I was so excited that I would finally be able to see my face in the mirror (on the drive home, I hadn't bothered to look at my parents or the faces of anybody else - I was too busy exploring the car upholstery in the back seat). I ran to the bathroom, jumped up on the toilet seat and climbed over to the bathroom sink to get a good look at myself. My mother came running at my shrieks of terror. Since my knowledge of my appearance was based upon a rather juvenile sense of touch, I thought that I had two noses, one for each nostril. My mother was quite unable to understand why I kept crying, "I only have one nose! Why?? I only have one nose!!"

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I used to think that my right hand wasn't my right hand anymore if I turned around.

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i believed that if you did not wear your gloves when it was snowing that your hands would turn black and fall off!

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After watching Pinnochio, I really thought my nose would grow if I lied. Whenever I told a lie I would rush to a mirror as soon as I was out of sight.

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top belief!

When I was little.My older sister Silvia told me,that if her and I both wished really hard we would grow a tail of the animal of our choice.My mom told her that.My sister and me both wanted the tail of a fox.:) When we got older we realized it would proably never happen.So we stoped and we got pretty bumed.

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top belief!

This was actually my little sister's fear. When she was little she fell and broke her two front teeth on the floor, and they had to be removed. Awhile later, she had an earache and violently objected to going to the doctor. We finally found out she figured that since a toothache was solved by removing the teeth, the doctor would resolve her earache by cutting off her ear!

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When I was 4, I was trying to impress my mother by knowing which was my left handed and which was my right hand. For reassurance, I would ask my mother, as I raised my right hand I would ask, "Is this my right hand?" she replied ,"Right" and I would raise my left hand and I would ask, "Is this my right hand?" and she would reply, "Wrong", consequently, I thought I had a right hand and a wrong hand.

Zach Arnold
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