i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to believe that my shoulder blades were angel wings under my skin and when I died they would pop out and I would become an angel.

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I used to believe that armpits were called "monkey holes" because I'd heard my step brother say that. So I would seriously call armpits "monkey holes."

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When i was a kid my sister told me that little people lived under your fingernails and that if it ever came off they would die. i still get wierded out when people pick at their nails.

ryan boyd
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top belief!

My mother had dentures from just shortly after she got out of high school. Therefor I grew up watching her take her teeth out every night and of course she explained that she got them when her teeth fell out.

Until I was 10 years old I thought everyone's teeth just fell out at a certain age and then you got dentures.

I was really bummed when I found out the truth. I'd had big plans to get an extra set for myself with fangs.....

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My cousin and I are 11 days apart. She and I were always competing in everything together. As we started to develop, a friend of the family told us, if we ate a lot of carrots our boobs would grow. According to the friend, that was why carrots were pointy. My cousin and I would eat a bag of baby carrots every day or 2. To this day our ongoing joke is that she must have ate more carrots than me.

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top belief!

I used to believe that when your foot was falling asleep, your brains were actually falling down into your foot.

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I believed until I was about 14 that when you got electricuted your skeleton really showed...too much TV I guess

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When I was around 4 or 5 I was convinced that you would weigh less if you sucked in your stomach on the scale.

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top belief!

Before I knew about the various internal organs I thought people were just filled with some green slimy stuff called �guts�

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Last Sunday at church, I was in the nursery with a couple of kids. When I held the toy stethoscope up to a little boy's chest, his brother told me, "Why are you doint that? Babies don't have hearts!!"

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when i was a kid i used to believe that your liver was in your throat. mostly because my mom would say you would get cirrhosis of the liver if you drank to much...i figured that cause everything went down the throat, naturally thats where the liver was. i didnt find out till middle school

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top belief!

When I was little my mom told my brother and I that when you lie your tongue turns black. Whenever she thought we weren't telling the truth she would make us open our mouths so she could "inspect" our tongues. It was so smart because we would always confess before she even got the chance to look in our mouths. I think I was 10 before I finally realized my mom made it up. The woman is a genius because I never lied, and still don't to this day.

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Whenever I lost a tooth my dad always told me to keep my tongue out of the empty space and a gold tooth would grow. I am yet to have any gold teeth, even though I kept my tongue out of the spaces until I was 12...

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When I was about 5, I thought body shops were where people when when they broke an arm or leg. I imagined racks of arms and legs hanging from the ceiling. If you broke something, you went to the body shop and they replaced it. The cast was because it was healing together. I was terrified because they looked to be such filthy places and I couldn't imagine that car bodies were important enough to have whole shops named for them.

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top belief!

When I was a child I believed that a woman's breasts got larger and larger gradually during their entire lives starting at puberty. I just assumed I would have "big" boobs by the time I was 30 and enormous ones by the time I was 70. Maybe because my rather young mother had a small boobs and my great-grandmother had huge ones..?

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I used to believe that all your "spare" teeth were kept in the squishy part beneath your tounge.. i've since found out otherwise.

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when i was little i thought if someone broke their arm or leg, that it meant the limb actually broke off of their body

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I thought your teeth started out in your feet when you were born and they took a while to slowly travel up to your mouth before they popped through.

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I used to believe that boys and men didn't have eyelashes. I think it was from how "girly" eyelashes looked when you drew them. I believed this until second grade!

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top belief!

My grandma loves telling this story: When my dad was six or seven years old, he was playing with a friend in the backyard. At one point, his friend said to him, "Your mother has big breasts." My dad gave him a very confused look and responded with, "Only chickens have breasts."

A. Nonymous
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