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When I was Little My Father used To Tell me that if I washed my stomache to much it would grow lots of hair and look like his. (he was a very hairy guy), I Was Horrified consideirng I was a 4 year old little girl.
i used to think that when you chewed on ur the ends of your hair if you accidently swallowed a peice it would go to your heart and rap around it so tight that your heart would explode.
top belief!
I used to believe there were creatures living in my pillow called snarlies that made the tangles in my hair while I was sleeping. My parents told me this.
I used to believe bobby pins were named after my father.
if you bite or chew on yor hair, you would get worms
When I was three or four, I used to think that every part of your body that can move had bones in it. So, I thought that all of my hairs had tiny individual bones in them like they were small tails.
top belief!
When I was in about 6th grade, it was 'cool' to have a little bit of your hair running into the corner of your mouth. Lots of girls stopped when the rumor started going around that it would give you worms. I don't know which was dorkier - thinking it was cool, believing the worm theory, or the pitiful girls whose hair was so short that they actually had to distort their mouths to get it to stretch that far - like me. =8O
if i left my hair hanging outside of the quilts the ghosts would chop it off
when me and my sister were younger we used to chew on your hair, untill one day our grandmother saw us and said i saw on one of those documentarys a little girl died form chewing her hair it got into a big ball inside her stomach and we would die if we did it anymore, i was so scared not once has my hair ever gone in my mouth again!
i used yo believe that those washable markers could actually dye your hair and i use to like put that stuff in my hair in a way and well...obviously it didnt work
I used to believe that when my dd kissed me with beard stubble and it hurt my face I would someday grow facial hair funny thing is I am a girl never thought about that part
I used to believe several things about hair, so I'm just going to combine them all into one post:
-When I was three or four, I wanted to grow my hair longer, and I believed that tipping my head back would magically make it grow.
-Until I was five or so, I believed that ponytails were prosthetic devices for girls and women with short hair, that had to be purchased at some special store, and removed every night.
-Until I was five or six, I believed that I could cut my dolls' hair, and it would grow back like mine did (I don't remember ever testing this theory, though).
-I believed that clowns were just born with Technicolour afros, or yarn pigtails or mop tops, or whatever they had.
-Until I was about, oh, maybe thirteen, I believed that there was a correlation between the colour of the hair on people's heads, and their pubic, a red-headed person would have red pubic hair. This myth was disproven during a game of "Truth or Dare" at camp.
I used to believe that pubic hair was said public hair and that whoever had it would show it off to the public. One time when I was about 6, we were at the beach with my cousins and I told my older cousin, "How come your not showing your public hair?" My cousin gave me a strange look and walked away laughing. I wasn't corrected of my embarrasing mistake until I was 11!
top belief!
I used to think that shaving cream made your hair fall out. I was terrified of touching it, afraid that if I did, some of it might accidentally get on my head and make me go bald.
I have believed for a long time that there's a conditioner that can make your hair so shiny, that you can see your reflection in it! I don't think it really exists - do you?
i used to belive that if i ate the crusts off my bred that my hair would grow longer everyday until it touched the floorthen it would stop.
I used to think that pubic hair was fur. When I was about three or so I asked my mom "why do you and my dad have fur down there?" I didn't understand it until much later.
I believed that people who were bald were dumb, because I thought hair was connected to your brain.. so when I saw old men, I thought they were so dumb because they did not have any hair, meaning nothing connecting to their brain.
I couldn't figure out what was so funny when I told people that, because I thought I was so clever!
When I was young I questioned my mom about the part in my hair that wouldn't cooperate with the rest of my hair. She told me it was called a cowlick, (which isn't wrong!) and that when I was born a cow came and licked my head!
When i was younger about 9 or 10 this guy told me that if i shaved my pubic hair i would bleed forever so when i started to grow pubic hair i never shaved it even though i didnt like it there i didnt find out different till i saw my older sister shaving hers and i asked her why she isnt bleeding and she explained the whole think to me
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