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This is not my own belief, but someone else's, which I think is so cute that it merits being on this site: Being a curly-haired little fellow, this person thought as a child that all the other children must have curly hair, too. On his first day of school, however, he found out that they did not all have curly hair, some of them had straight hair. So he was shocked and did not want to go back.
I once heard my aunt tell her sister that she wanted a Farrah Fawcett hair-do and I thought she wanted her hair to stand up and swoosh out like water coming out of a faucet.
When I was little I used to chew on my hair a lot. One day my friend told me that if I kept it up, my hair would turn into snakes. Never done it sence.
top belief!
I used to think that if I did not put copious amounts of vaseline on my eyebrows they would blow off. I must have looked like some sort of a nut with my greasy brows and pigtails! My parents never stopped me...what were they thinking?
After watching the movie "The Secret Garden", I really did think that hair kept growing even after you were dead..
top belief!
up until the age of 21 I didn't understand what a "five o'clock shadow," was. When I was little, at some point having learned a bit about sun dials, I figured that that must have meant men's shadows always "pointed," towards five o'clock.
top belief!
When I was about 4 or 5 years old we had a milkman who had red hair. Also, even though my parents were blond and brunette, I had bright red hair. Occasionally, in an attempt to make conversation with me, adults would ask where I had gotten my red hair.
On one occasion when I was somewhere with my mischievous father, I was presented this question and he quickly interceded. He gleefully said, �From the milkman!� Of course, I believed him so that became my standard answer until one day my Mother overheard me give it. Upon regaining her composure, she demanded knowing where I had come up with such a notion. I explained and she kindly but sternly told me not to credit our milkman with my red hair ever again.
My mum always told me to stop chewing my hair or else i would get a hairy chest! hee, hee! x
I used to believe that men went bald because they wore hats. The hats kept their heads from getting sunlight and water that hair needs to grow, kind of like plants. I told my grandpa Verl that he should take his hat off while he was outdoors and maybe he could grow his hair back. I was way too old to have thought that!
I used to believe that some people just had short hair, and some people just had long hair. I didn't realize that short hair was the result of cutting.
when i was little i had the worst habit of "eating" my hair. i would put it in my mouth and just chew on it. one day my dad told me that he heard on the news about a girl who died because she ended up having a huge hair ball in her stomach that blocked the path to other organs. this made complete sence to me and horrified me. throughout the next months i slowly decreased how much i "ate" my hair
My dad was bald. When I was really young and people would ask me what happened to my dad's hair, I used to say, "The rubbishmen took it away."
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When I was a kid, I wondered why they called it "public hair" when it was so private.
Triplet boys I used to nanny for would get upset if I rolled down the car windows on the way home from the barber...they told me they were afraid that the wind would "blow away their haircuts".
top belief!
My dad began balding in his twenties, so I've never known him with a full head of hair. Any time my brother or I would do something we weren't supposed to, he would tell us that's why he was bald. My favorite reason for his bald head was jumping on the furniture...
I used to believe that whatever a lady's hair color was when she was pregnant would be the color of the baby's hair. I planned on dying my hair so that I could have blond, brunette, and redhead children.
I used to believe that mustaches were grown from really long nose hairs.
My Daddy is bald. When I was little I'd ask him what happened to his hair, and he'd tell me that one day he shaved it off and it never grew back. I assumed this was true until I relized that he'd gone bald like other men do.
I have to give credit to my 3 year old daughter for this one.
I was in a restroom stall with her at a department store, making sure she took care of business and didn't play around. As she was finishing up and I was gathering our things, I failed to notice her peering under the wall into the stall next to us. She asked me "Mom, is this a girls' bathroom or a boys' bathroom?" Without even thinking, I replied that it was a girl's restroom. She then proceeded to ask. loudly, "Why does that lady have all that hair on her legs like Daddy?" I wanted to flush myself down the toilet.
top belief!
i used to believe that babies were dumb because their heads were only filled with hair. as they grew hair it made more room for things to be learned, and by the time they got to be old people and balding, it was because they had finally pushed all the hair out by totally filling thier heads with things learned.
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