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When I was little, my mother told me that if I didn't wash all of the shampoo out of my hair, all my hair would fall out and I would be bald. I assumed this to mean forever. I believed this for longer than I should have.
I use to think that when a man gained a lot of muscle his body hair would fall out. It made logical sense to me at the time, because most actors and models on TV wax their bodies. I proudly told my mother what I had discoveried. After laughing, she told me the truth.
I used to believe that pubic hair was said public hair and that whoever had it would show it off to the public. One time when I was about 6, we were at the beach with my cousins and I told my older cousin, "How come your not showing your public hair?" My cousin gave me a strange look and walked away laughing. I wasn't corrected of my embarrasing mistake until I was 11!
When I was about the age of 7 or 8 I loved vinigar (and tons of it) on my homemade french fries that my grandma would make me when I came over. My grandpa told me that if I kept eating so much vinigar i would grow a beard. So that night I sat in front of the mirror in their bathroom for hours making sure I wasn't growing a beard. Then my grandma finally made him tell me the truth because I came out crying scared of growing a beard. Before he told me the truth he told me I could always be a bearded woman in a circus, and I cryed harder. Thats when he told me the truth.
My 4 year old was really nervous at her first professional hair cut. With a little prodding I discovered that she belived that the length of your hair determined whether you were a boy or a girl. She was afraid she would turn into a boy if they cut her hair too short.
My uncle (who is bald on top) once told me--when I asked him why he was--that he had run holding a stick. I was skeptical, but thought he was possibly right, but there was no way I was giving up the imaginary midevel wars with my friends. Running while holding a stick figured prominently in these games.
When I was 6 years old. I used to believe that if you let your hair grow out long that it would cover your whole body like a chimp. I don't know why I believed it, but it did make be think that big foot was just some guy who never cut his hair.
I used to chew on my hair when i was in preschool, untill my preschool teachers got together and told me a creative little story obout a little girl in the news who had a huge hair ball in her stomach from chewing her hair. Whenever I got a stomach ace I'd get scared and think I had a hair ball.
when i was little i used to believe that if you washed your cream rinse (conditioner) out in cold water your hair would get stronger so i would tand in the shower in the freezing cold and stick just my hair in it was completely crazy when i finally asked an older friendd if that was true i was sooooooo mad at the other friend that told me the lie i almost screamed
Until I was at least 14, I thought that men who were going bald but still had hair around the outside of their head shaved the middle part because they liked how it looked.
i used to believe that by chewing on my hair i would someday have a hairball in my stomach that was big enough to make me explode. i can thank my aunt for that one.
I used to think that my hairs were living. I treated them like my friends. I only had 5 hairs which I named Joe, Darren, John, Sam, and Squiggle. When I realized one day they were gone, my mom told me that they weren't living. (I was 8)
My mum used to tell me the reason I had so many knots in my hair was that fairies used to tie bits of it together and play swings with it while I was asleep! I still laugh when I think of it now.
I used to think that pincurls were a Catholic hairstyle, as all the catholic women in the neighborhood had them and my mother who was jewish wore a long braid down her back, and her jewish friends had short hair cuts.
I used to believe that tangled hair really had rats in it.
When i was in kindergarten i thought that growing your bangs out would make your bangs fall out. like when your bangs reached the length of the rest of your hair they would just fall out!
My friend convinced me that if I used a bar of soap to wash my hair instead of shampoo that I would go bald.
when I was a little girl, I used to put my ponytail in my mouth and suck the hair (disgusting, I know). My older brothers wanted to make me stop, so they made up a story about a girl who had a horrible stomach ache so she had to go through a surgery. When the doctor opened up her stomach there was a ball of hair inside. They scared the hell out of me :)
I used to believe that cowlicks on hair were literally licked by a cow. I thought, "why would you let a cow lick your head, and why is it permanent?"
When I was a little kid (probably 3 or 4), I always had my hair in two braids with a middle part. I used to always see people with side partings in their hair and be jealous. Side parts were just so cool to me, and I always wanted one. I thought you had to get surgery to change your parting!! I believed this until FIFTH GRADE when my friend who usually had a middle part came in with a side part on picture day.
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