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when i was little, when my tooth fell out, i thought if i peeled back my gum, there would be like green flannel underneath. i also thought that when i got an ulcer it was a little football stuck in my mouth..
I thought I could get a tan by sitting in front of the fireplace. I used to look in the mirror and see that the freckles had occured. I was quite old when I realized the fireplace wasn`t going to help my easter tan much.
When I was young, I used to share a bath with my older brother. He had a large mole on his chest, and he told me it was there because I had bitten him! I felt so guilty. I then thought that all moles were bites, and used to really pity some people. My brother milked it for years (Me, not the mole). He had it removed recently. I hope it hurt!
I used to believe that if you drank coffee while you were pregnant you would have a black child and if you drank milk you would have a white child.
top belief!
When I was little I used to think I could avoid sunburns if I ran around in circles, cos then the sun couldn't catch me.
I used to get teased about my freckles at school. One day I told my aunt that I did not want my freckles anymore. She told me that she too had many when she was a child and she had got rid of them by putting powder on her face. I spent weeks putting powder on my face thinking they would until finally my parents made me tell them the reason of my strange habit.
my sister in her childish innocence studied an african american man waiting behind my mother in line at the local market near our house. she couldn't have been more than 5 or so squirming in her seat in the shopping cart when she couldn't wait any longer. she asked the man "when you take a bath how do you know when you're clean?" making the connection that he couldn't see dirt against his dark skin like she could. the man just laughed at her honesty and said "when the water turns brown i know i'm clean" while my mom turned ten shades of red in embarrassment.
every mole you have is marking a lie
I used to believe that "colored" people were multi-colored, like a stained-glass window!
i used to believe that if you were a white child you would grow up to be black and if you were a black child you would grow up to be white. thanks michael jackson.....
I used to believe that you got freckles by squeezing your skin really hard, so I used to pinch my cheeks and squeeze my arms, thinking that freckles would appear.
when i was 6 years old iused to believe that when you go near a person who is HIV you do not need to go near him or her because you will also get the deasese.
I ticked off these older kids on the bus one day when I was little (and quite a punk). They had freckles, and told me if they touched me, I'd "catch" freckles too (as though it were some sort of disease). Being young and stupid, I was horrified. I went home in tears and would run away from anyone with freckles.
I believed them until third grade. Sad.
I used to think that black people were just white people with a really dark tan.
top belief!
i believed that "birthmarks" were from poop stains from your mom when you were born.
On our way to church every sunday morning my grandmother and I would drive through a black neighborhood. One day I asked her when I would be able to play at that park because it looked really cool. She politely told me that the park was for the black people that lived in the town and because I wasn't black that I couldn't play there. (My grandmother was not a racist, nor am I, but back then that's how it was). I thought about it and then asked my grandma, "Well, when I grow up and am black THEN can I play in it?"
I used to believe that black people were white people dipped in Chocolate. That's what my dad told me...
When I was little, grown-ups always said to wash your hands with hot water, not cold, because it kills the germs better. So I imagined little red circles with arms, legs, and a face as the germs. I imagined that when you wash with cold water, it just drips into your hands and the germs shiver, but don't go away. But when you wash with hot, a big wave goes inside your hands and the germs scream and run away.
When I was 5, my older sister (who was 15) was wearing flesh colored nylons. Knowing how niave I was, she told me that she had something to show me. She then proceeded to pull on her nylons. I was so horrified by this and for years believed my sister had a stretchy skin disease!
top belief!
I was a pretty sheltered child, and when I was about 5, my grandparents owned a Gunsmith shop. I was in the shop playing on the floor one day, and the Sherriff, who happened to be Black, came in to have his gun worked on. This was my perfect opportunity to ask him a question that had been burning in my mind for days. So I asked him, "Hey Mister, is your tounge black too?"
Imagine my Grandparent's embarassment.
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