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There used to be an ad on the tv for after shave and it showed a man who was shaving and his face was on fire. I thought this looked cool and watched my dad shave every single morning waiting to see the fire. I couldnt understand how he never had fire on his face even though he didnt use after shave. I believed this until I was about 8 or 9.
When I was little, I got sunburned and my skin started to peel, and I thought I was turning into a snake and I was sheading my skin.
When I was in pre-k I thought if I thouched a black person I would turn black, so I was always scared to death to hold there hand in games or something, and when I did, I'd wash my hands.
I was the only Native American in my whole school and the other children constantly call me names like Squaw or Darkie. When I cried to my mom one night, she told me that in the beginning the Creator decided he wanted people in the world so he broke sticks and put them in the oven, the first batch of sticks he took out where white people and he said, "you are too undone, I'll put you over there." and he put them in Europe. The second bunch he took out, he said, "you are too dark, I'll put you over there." and he placed them in Africa. The last batch he said, "you people are just right, you can stay right here." She then said some of the white and black sticks eventually made their way to our part of the world. For some reason, I felt better and it didn't bother me as much when the white sticks called me darkie because according to the Creator, I was just right.
when i was young i thot if u got a mole u would turn to 1. win i saw my mole on my shoulder i was terifyed.i got scared also because my hair was still growing from win i gotit cut, i thot it was xtra hair gowing!
When I was younger my dad used to tell me as a joke (he's not racist at all) that black people had poo poo smeared across their face and thats why they were black. One day when I was about 6 an electrician came over to our house to fix something and I shouted out 'LOOK DADDY THAT MAN HAS POO POO ON HIS FACE!' I still can't get over that to this day.
It's kind of funny, because I used to believe that if you put too much water on your face, like on your chin, you would grow a beard or hair on your chin, so I always tried not to get my chin wet and stare in the mirror to make sure I wasn't growing any hair on my chin.
i was in ballet and i got the two words tootoo and tatoo mixed up. When my dad explaned what a tatoo was i envisioned a tootoo worn by ballerinas as being held there by needles.
I had never heard the term "colored" used to describe a person until I ran across a reference to "a little colored girl" in a children's book I was reading when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I assumed it meant she was rainbow-colored - and I thought "How cool! There are people that are all different colors?!"
When I was young, my father had a mole on the back of his neck. I believed that this was a button and if I pressed it, his head would come off.
I used to belive god made us and set us out on a cloud to dry us. White people didnt lay + dry long enough, tan people layed there at a perfect time and black people stayed there for to long!
its not racis i have 3 white best friends 6 black and 2 tan,and they rock!
When i was in preschool I never wanted to wash my hands until one day I heard that if you dont wash your hands, worms will pop out of them and start squirming around.
Mom said that I was receiving angel kisses on my face during the night which caused my freckles. This freaked me out and I swear I could feel them. So I slapped and scratched my face alot.
this does explain a few things)I finally figured out that it was just the peach fuzz moving!
I only know this because my parents told me, but when I was really tiny, I thought skin color was a result of cleanliness. We lived in an all-white town for some reason, and the first time I saw an African-American, I told my mother (loudly), "That lady's all dirty." My mother was not thrilled.
I believed that if my face got wet it would drip away so if my face was ever wet i would be scared to look in a mirror becuase i thought i wouldn't see my face
My youngest brother (age 10) was excited to learn my husband and I were expecting twin girls. One day he was sitting with my Mom asking questions about the babies. She had noticed he was thinking really hard. After a few minutes he asked "The babies will be half white and half black right?". My husband is Arican -American and I am white. My mom replied with "yes Dan they will" After a few more minutes he blurted out "Will the parts sticking out be black or white?" We never laughed so hard!
i was about 5 or so at the time..i had gotten more and more freckles and moles *like everyone is supposed to* Well, anyways, one day I went up to my sister and showed her what I had gotten. She looked at me and in one big scream she yells, "OH MY GOSH! You are turning into a chocolate moo cow!" Remember, being 5 or so....i believed her. I was devistated for about 3 years and thought I would become a cow. Luckily, I started crying about it once and ran to my mother and my mom yelled at my sister for telling me a lie. She got in trouble.
Since I saw black people at the mall all of the time as a 4 year old, I thought that when you got old enough, you would change colors! one day I saw a little black girl about my age in a stroller and wondered if she was thinking about how I was still white.Then I asked my mom if the girl was a white boy as a baby, and she explained it to me.
I have a birthmark on my thigh, when I was young, I thought it was a dirt spot and I would always try to wash it off but it would never get clean. I thought I was taking a bath wrong
I used to believe that if I stayed in the bathtub long enough, I would wrinkle up until I turned into a raisin.
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