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When I was a little girl we got a puppy who looked like a cow- white with big black spots. as she got older, she got a lot of little black freckles, and my dad used to say that she got a new freckle every time she did something bad. well, I had (still have) tons of freckles! I thought for sure that it meant I was a bad child in comparison to my freclke-less sisters and classmates.
top belief!
When I was about 4 I was convinced that if you ate the skin on McDonald's chicken mcnuggets you would get freckles. I have NO idea where that came from.
When i was wee i thought i could get a suntan from a radiator... so i used to sit in front of one for hours and when my back got all red i thought i was sun burned... i was a strange child...
in first grade, i had a black teacher whose name was Mrs. Green. i had a hard time with telling the difference between colors then and i told my mom that i wanted to be green like my teacher.
I used to have a large, black birthmark on my right leg that grew more hair than the surrounding skin. My older brother used to tell me that I have that mark because I was actually a monkey and that my parents had adopted me from the zoo and shaved me, but had forgotten to shave that one spot on my leg
The birthmark was removed when I was 12 for health reasons (It was believed to be cancerous). I told my brother that mom and dad finally shaved it off.
My family is African-Amerian, and we lived in a place where we were the minority. One day my little sister came home from camp and asked, "When is my skin gonna turn white like the other girls?" We weren't quite sure how to answer the question.
Ok , I wasnt wure where to put this but, when i was young mabey 5 or 6 i used to think that some african american people would grow up and turn white.
I never used to take shower after going to the beach, because i thought that tans washed off right away.
i grew up in a small suburban town with mostly white people. in preschool i was obsessed with whoopie goldberg and a friend in my class had a black nanny. i didnt know any black people and thought she was just so lucky to have whoopie goldberg as a nanny.
I used To believe that if you picked your freckles you would get skin cancer
When i was little around 4 my sister was watchign me and i had a permanet marker. I accidently made a line on myself and i thoguh it look liek stiches. So i ran through my house screaming that i had stiches and i didn twant them anymore.
When I was little, my younger sister was eating a peppermint and kept taking it out of her mouth and puttingit back in. Well her fingers got all sticky so my mom gave her a kleenex to wipe it off with. The kleenex stuck to her fingers and she thought the skin was coming off of her hands!
I know a friend in college who believed that if she sat on a pillow, she would get pimples on her rear.
When I was very young about 5 I pulled the plug on my sisters television while it was on. A blue electrical spark jumped from the outlet and I thought I turned blue! I was really scared cause I thought everyone knew what I had done cause now my skin was blue.
I used to believe, when I was 4ish that if you touched a black person, the blackness would 'rub off' onto you're skin, and visa versa.
When I was in preschool I had a black teacher. One day she picked me up and set me on her desk to calm me down because I was upset about something. Upon close inspection of the palms of her hands I noticed they were much lighter than the rest of her skin. When I got home that day, I started crying and my mother asked me what was wrong. I told her, "Mommy, Miss Tucker's turning WHITE!" Needless to say, my mom explained that black people's palms and soles of their feet were a lighter color because that's the way God made them. Boy was I relieved to know my teacher wasn't turning white!
When I was little, I went to a fast food restaurant and I had nuggets with sweet & sour sauce and I got alot of the sauce on my hands. After I wiped my hands in the napkins I looked at them, and for the first time I saw my life-lines and I thought that the sauce had made brown lines in my hands that may never come off.
I thought that I could get a suntan if I stood really close to a fire for long enough.
I thought cold sores, were really called cole slaw!!
In summer I used to get lots of freckles on my face which used to annoy me so much! Until I cleverly thought up the idea that if I got so many freckles they weould all join together and i'd have the best sun tan ever!
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