i used to believe

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When I was little, I thought bruises were sacks of pain underneath the skin, and the only way to get rid of them was to release all the pain. To release the pain, I pressed on my bruises. I had a lot of bruises.

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I used to believe that my sister had drawn a birth mark on my other sisters back with an eyebrow pencil. I spent years trying to wash it off in the tub. We still laugh about it.

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I believed that if a white person touched a black person (or vice versa), they both would switch skin colors.

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When I was little my grandfather had a wart on his thumb. He called it a planters wart. I asked him why and he said that if you play outside and don't wash your hands then a little seed would take root in your skin and grow a plant that would sprout into a little tree. Hygene got better for me but I got obsessive-compulsive about skin.

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I used to believe that my freckle on my hand was because I drew on my hand with a permanent marker. When i was about 7 or 8 i said to my mom how do i wash this marker off she then corrected me.

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My poppop told me that the reason I had freckles was because flies came in and pooped on my face at night. I believed him for years. :(

Amy Brown
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After my dad had a 2 inch section of skin cancer removed from his shoulder, it was of course stitched up. I had always thought it was a caterpillar on his shoulder.

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I used to believe everyone had outlines.

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I believed that if you wash your hands long enough... they'll turn into gold! I washed until my hands started to bleed...I was a bright kid.. yeah...

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When I was little, My dad told me that I had freckles because I was really born black and they painted me white. The freckles was from the paint chipping off.

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When I first witnessed my sister picking her acne -she was teenage- The intensity of her focus was so much I thought it must be some sort of larvae she got from high school science class , and that she was trying to get them out.

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I used to believe that black people were black because they had so many frecles that they merged together.

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I used to believe that freckles were angel kisses.

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I used to believe that we had a finite amount of skin and that I would eventually run out due to pealing.

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That everyone had the same amount of skin and that short people were fat and tall people were skinny.

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the moles on my face were from a lizard shitting on me when i was sleeping

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When I was little, I was told that we all have seven layers of skin. I thought those layers were all I was going to have for the rest of my life, and if I were to lose them all, my insides would be exposed! Every time I got a cut or a scrap, I was terrified that I would run out of layers of skin before I got old :)

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I had a lot of pet reptiles when I was a kid. When I got my first really awful sunburn and started peeling, I thought I was just shedding my skin.

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I had a mole on the inside of my armpit. I used to pick at it all the time. When I was about 4, I was riding in the car with my cousin, picking at my mole. He pointed out that if I rip my mole off, it will hurt more than anything, and I would bleed to death. That definitely made me stop picking at it.

Ms. Mole
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My mom used to always tell me not to stay out in the sun too long or I'd get dark, so I made the genuis asumption that if the sun made you darker the moon made you lighter. For a whole summer I would play in the sun all day then wait until my parents fell asleep and sit outside for a few hours determined to "undo" the darker tone i gained from playing all day.

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