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My parents have a field behind their house and their dog would dig up the field mice and eat them. My children were spending the day with grandma and playing with the dog in the field. To their horror they watched the dog dig up a nest of mice that was full of babies, the dog was already full so he left them alone. The boys brought the baby mice to grandma to save them from the dog. Well grandma would not have the mice in the house so she told the boys to put them back in the hole and cover it with a bucket to keep the dog out. When I arrived to pick up my children they rushed to tell me about their pet mice and dragged me to the field. There they lifted a large bucket and started to dig up little dead mice. I asked them why they were playing with dead mice and I was told that they were just sleeping. You see, grandms said that mice lived undergound so they buried to keep them safe from the dog. They were shocked and heart broken when I told them that the mice had died

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When i was young i used to believe that when a animal died if the animal was bad it was turned into a cloud so when i saw a cloud shaped like a animal i thought it was once living & BREATHING organism i thought rain was these cloud animals spit and these cloud animals were being bad still

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When I was six my goldfish died and my dad threw it in the garbage and I thought he took it outside in the yard and then it would magically disappear and go to heaven

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When I was eleven, we found a large male tom cat. I named him Melcolme. He loved to go outside and play with my female cat, Divinchi. One winter night Melcolme and Divinchi went out to play, and Melcolme never came back. Mum told me that his real owner came to cliam him. I believed it. When I was 12 I found out the truth. Melcolme got hit by a car. I was in anguish over it. I loved him a lot. I cut up all of my best Pokemon cards because I thought that it would somehow bring him back.

Shadia Granger-Malfoy
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My sister only recently found out that the dogs we had when we were kids didnt go to live on a farm and chase rabbits, the story our parents told us when they had them put down. Shes 18. Come to think of it she thinks i was joking when i told her that.

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my nephew and nieces' grandmothers dog for since they were born died, he said 'can we just tie a ballon 2 a puppy and send it up 2 God 2 give joe joe back' it was cute but so sad

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My pet rabbit got real sick and one day when I was at school, it died. When I came home, it was already buried. My mom said the vet came over and put it to sleep. I found out years later, that my dad had shot it and put it out of its misery. I was blown away (no pun intended.)

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when i was little we had this dog named Dusty...well one day he was just gone so I asked my older sister where he went-she told me he jumped out the window and ran away- my mom had actually had him put to sleep..though I didn't even realize it until i was like 16

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one time i wanted to give my hamster a bath and i thought an easy way of doing it was to put it in the washer(because well yeah you wash stuff in the washer) so i put it in the locker lets just say my mom had that stain for a long time and i still feel bad about it.

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I believed my hamster died on 9/11 because of something I did wrong.

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I used to believe cats could not die (until I saw what was left of one crushed by a car).

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when my dog gracey died me and mum said that one day we would have a littel grace and old grce's soul would live though the puppy,i still believe today

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When I was 7 my mother stepped on my cat and then had to kill it. She told me that a wild cat ripped it's neck out. For the whole week I was trying to avenge my cat's death..

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This isn't my belief, but my cousins.
One time when I was little I felt like really play a trick on my younger cousin, so I told her that when animals die they leave a copy of themselves where they died and then they flyed up to dog heaven, cat heaven, mouse heaven or what ever kind of animal they were.
My cousin said she wanted to see when the dead animal would fly up to heaven, but then I said that they only did it when she was asleep.
And she really belived my for years and years to come.

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We had a non-breed dog named Sam for about 7 years when my Mum became pregnant with my Sister to be. My parents said that Sam, me and the new Baby will be too much for my Mum to look after, so when I was at School one day Sam was taken to a Canine Sanctuary.

When I was about 20 years old I told my current girlfriend and she asked if that was true, suggesting in reality Sam had been put to sleep.

Naively, It had never occured to me this could be the case. 10 Years later, I have still not asked my parents in case it is true and Sam was not adopted after all.

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My mother used to tell me and my sister, that the kitty or puppy or whatever it may be on the side of the road, well he "is just sleeping", when in reality he is dead. I have past that on to my 4 yr. old as well. It is a big joke in my family.

April W.
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when i was little my mom got me 2 turtles. a month later one died and my mom then told me it kiked the bucket. i thought for months that it kiked the tank and that was the end of it. a week later i went to my mom and asked "mom weres auroa!?" she looked at me and laughed i will never forget it!

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my little sister had a pet mouse when we were young and when it died she dressed it in a modified doll dress and matching hat and buried in the front yard in a tupperware container. we still about the dead mouse's lovely ball gown!

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When I was little my mother told me that dead animals on the road were "just sleeping." "There just sleeping Haley."

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i used 2 believe that once my hamster had died and come back alive the fact nearly evry month for a year i had a different hamster i always was told it was a special cangy coulr hamster no 1 thought 2 tell me it was a different hamster Did they?? well i know know but i musta had about 15 Sammi`s the hamster!

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