i used to believe

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My former teacher's dog died a few months ago. Her kids are about two and three, and they were upset about it, so they asked their parents where their dog went. They said their dog went to go live with God. A few weeks later, they drove by the vet's office and one of the kids called out "Look, it's God's house!" or something similar. As their vet's son was in my class at the time, my teacher had to inform him that his father was now God.

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When I was around 5 I tried to keep my iguana from jumping out of the cage, so I grabbed its tail to prevent it from escaping.

Well that wasn’t so great
The tail came off and I was convinced that I had killed my iguana.

The tail was still moving so that freaked me out even more

I didn’t stop crying for over an hour

Elijah - Iguana Boy
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I won a fish in a school carnival when i was 9 and didnt have any supplies for it, so when i got home i put it in an empty peanut jar. Fish food? we didnt have any so the food in our house that looked closest to it was bread crumbs. I sprinkled a few in the jar and that night i woke up to check on it. It was floating at the top of the jar on its side. It looked like it was asleep so i left it alone and woke up the next morning to see it still "asleep." It slept for the next 2 days until i figured out that i had to let it go

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I always had a messy room when I was a kid, especially under my bed. My parents used to joke that if I dug around under there I might eventually find "The Dead Sea Scrolls." I always thought they were saying "Dead Sea Squirrels" and refused to clean under my bed for the fear I would find squirrel carcasses!

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when my little sister was about 7 she refused to let us eat the whole rainbow trout that had been brought to the restaurant table as she was convinced that it would wake up any minute.

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When I was six, my older cousin told me that the white rabbits in the neighbours' cage were an endangered species because they had red eyes. When I noticed the rabbits missing one day, I was told that the neighbours had eaten them. I was shocked! I ran to my parents in tears, demanding to know how it was possible that these evil people were eating endangered red-eyed rabbits.

(Needless to say, rabbits are far from endangered.)

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Not my belief, but a friend's. She flushed her dead goldfish down the toilet and ever since won't you use that toilet because she believes the fish is going to came back up and bite her butt.

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When I was little we lived on a farm and had goats. One of them became very sick so my dad had to shoot it and burn the body. I saw the fire and was convinced that my dad had thrown the goat in there alive.

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You know how parents tell their kids that their pets went to live on a nice farm when they have to be put down? Well, when my family and I moved into an apartment complex when I was seven, we sent our dog Muffy to live on my uncle's farm. I never understood why everyone looked so sad when I told them this until recently

the dog's still alive
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I used to believe that when my fish died and floated to the top, it was playing dead.

Alycia T
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When I was in 3rd grade our neighbor accidentally ran over and killed my dog. It was easier for me to believe that he had done it on purpose than that an adult could have so little control over the world. Every morning for the next six months I would get up early and watch for the mailman to deliver his mail, then stuff his mailbox full of toads to avenge the murder of my pet.

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I used to think that a sleeping animal had died, since the term "put to sleep" means killed, so I would stay up all night trying to keep my cats awake.

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When I was about 10 me and my friend used to walk around collecting dead mice in the winter. Because they were just frozen, we thought we could just put a couple of blankets over them, and they would be alive again. The only problem now is that it actually worked once.....

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I used to believe that when my dog De-De died, that just ment she had to live in the ground from then on. My friend Kelly and I tried to dig her up in the back yard so we could visit with her. My mother stoped us in time.

Jessica W.
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My aunt and uncle had a pond across the street from their house....we used to skate on it in the winter. There were gold fish living in this pond that would get frozen into the ice....you could see their orange bodies suspended in the ice. I used to believe that when the ice melted in the spring...the goldfish would be released into the pond and swim away...frozen for the winter, and back to normal in the spring.

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I had a pet fish named Zim, and as I was going to bed one night, I noticed he was belly-up at the bottom of the tank and not moving. I went to bed a little sad that he'd died. The next morning, I saw a fish that looked exactly like my Zim floating around and I believed that Zim had just fallen a little too deeply asleep the night before, and that's why he'd sunk.
What's a little sad is I was 14 at the time.

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I used to believe that it was possible that a panel full of half-starved sharks might open at the bottom of the deep end of the community pool right as i'm in mid-dive from the diving board.

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When i was about 6 there was a neighborhood cat i named "Grey" (because he was all grey). Since he was at our house so much, i thought he lived with us, although he pretty much lived nowhere. One week he stopped coming around, and then there was a cat on a tv commercial that looked just like him. I thought that he had gone to Hollywood to be on tv. I really beleived this until i was old enough to realize he had probably died. Last year (when i was 30), when my mom finally told me that she found him that winter, dead and frozen under the front porch. I'm still traumatized by finding out like that.

Sara Jo
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i used to believe that the dead cats on the road werent dead and that they just simply passed out cause they were scared. i told my mom this and she reassured me that once they woke up they would walk away and be safe from any harm.

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When my dog died when I was 6, my parents said I should bury her in an old jacket I used to wear so that she wouldn't get cold when she went to heaven.

I spent many a night looking out of my window after that, waiting to see my dog wearing my jacket, walking away from where we had buried her. I thought it odd that she had to be buried if she was going to be walking somewhere after she was dead.

I learned the truth eventually, but never regretted burying her in my jacket.

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